Glorious Glassware
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A Festivus for the rest of us! Get out your meatloaf, aluminum pole, and be prepared to air your grievances. Or make your own traditions. That’s the beauty of Festivus.
While no alcohol was served in “The Strike” episode of Seinfeld, Georges boss drinks from a flask at the Festivus dinner. I’m saying that’s Scotch. Hennigan’s. From the Red Dot episode. “No smell, no tell, Scotch.” Cheers.
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In an earlier post, I bragged about my plan to make eggnog from scratch, or more precisely, from eggs. A bit later and before I gathered the eggs, I noticed some Trader Joe’s Eggnog Liqueur in the fridge. Wife must have bought it. Okay.
Last Saturday, our son called in a pre-Christmas Zoom call. They were opening some of our presents early…. Long story. I grabbed some glasses and the Trader Joe’s to get into the early Christmas spirit. I poured some of the creamy liquid over ice and held the bottle up the the screen. Buzzed Boomer! Day drinking! My son remarked that he’d bought the eggnog liqueur last year and never drank it. Well it tasted fine to me. Eggs are safe for this year.
– Jet Cannon
A legend passed away. A man’s man. When he wasn’t flyin’ he was hunting’ or fishin’. He had the right stuff all right.
Worthy Buzzed Boomers know at least a little bit about Chuck Yeager. Most notably, he was the first to fly faster than the speed of sound. To learn more, read or watch The Right Stuff. Or read his autobiography. He was one of our heroes growing up and one of those who didn’t disappoint as the years went by.
To raise a toast, there’s a Jagermeister and pineapple drink called a Chuck Yeager. Get it? Pronounced the same. But I think when Chuck was winding down at the Happy Bottom Riding Club he was drinking whiskey. Whisky from his home state of West Virginia if he could get it. But any whiskey if he couldn’t. Probably not true but that’s what I’ll be tossing back in his memory. That’s what test pilots in that era did when the sun went down. Tossed a few back. Fly high, Chuck.
– Jet Cannon
Knob Creek bourbon. Stone drinks it. I drink it.
Actually, I tried it for the first time yesterday. But Stone has been drinking it for years. If you don’t know, Stone is the fictional, larger-than-life character in the Stuart Woods series. Sort of a wealthy USA James Bond, Stone hangs with presidents, the Chief of Police and other important people who also enjoy a good cocktail. Stone flies his own jet, solves murders, makes out sexually like a tall dog, and regularly saves the world from disaster. He’ll also tip the delivery guys $50 “for a beer”, is wonderful to employees, and makes a mean breakfast for his gal pals.
The point is…. there is no point. But the Knob did not disappoint. I’m no expert on bourbon, but I thought it was smooth and satisfying. So when I run into Stone I will know what to order. Cheers!
– Jet Cannon
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