Jet Cannon

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straight shots!

Of coffee. We’ve heard that coffee is probably good for us, in addition to putting that lift in our step. What’s not surprising is that all the fun stuff we like to add to coffee, be it cream or sugar or flavorings or artificial sweeteners, are not so good. Besides potentially adding pounds, one French study found that even artificial sweeteners led to a higher incidence of cancer. That’s just one study but common sense tells us that the morning boost without any additives is our best bet. Give it to us straight. We can take it!

  • Jet Cannon
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To Sleep or not to sleep

That is the question.  Not really. The question is should we get up extra early to get in our exercise before a busy day.

Stephanie Mansour |in TODAY magazine talks about the importance of sleep AND exercise and finding the balance.  Here are excerpts:

“A morning fitness routine can be an amazing habit. It gets your workout done first thing, which decreases the chances that you’ll get too busy and skip it later on. Plus, it can boost your energy and put you in a better mood for the day ahead.”

However, getting up early to exercise probably isn’t the answer.

“Getting adequate sleep plays a huge role in our overall health. Not getting enough can cause weight gain or make it hard to lose weight if that’s your goal. Sleep deprivation also affects our eating habits and makes it more likely we will reach for sugary foods to propel us through the day. Plus, your workouts just won’t be as effective when you’re dragging. All this is to say that cutting out the sleep we need in order to exercise may do more harm than good when it comes to your health goals.”

“So if you’re not currently getting 7-8 hours of sleep at night, make that the priority first.”

  • Jet Cannon
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It Hurts to laugh

We read that some surveys find older adults, those who are interested in cannabis, are more likely to seek pain relief than they are wanting to get high. Ah, the aches and pains of Baby Boomers. Well, whatever works. The boom in cannabis sales has certainly helped the aches and pains of state budgets where CBD lotions and potions are legalized.

Remember when we used to get high with friends and laugh and laugh? We don’t either.

  • Jet Cannon
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It Hurts to laugh Read More »

April Showers

We’re still getting a lot of rain this spring so we wanted to brighten things up with a cheery-looking cocktail. Looking up recipes on the InterWeb had us all over the map for an April Showers cocktail. Cognac, brandy, etc. If that’s your cup of liquor go that route but we found a refreshing gin recipe we preferred.


3 oz gin (or vodka)

6 oz red grapefruit juice

1 oz fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon simple syrup

Mix in a shaker with ice and pour into a cocktail glass. Or pour it into a highball glass with ice. Doesn’t matter. We just want a bright, sun-shiny symbol of hope for better weather!

  • Jet Cannon

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Greening Out: Flying Past that mellow Buzz

Too much cannabis?  These days your product choices contain some powerful options and it can be hard to gauge how much cannabis is just right.

Too much can mean anxiety, panic, paranoia or confusion.  The good news is those symptoms will pass on their own but it’s also nice to know some ways to sober up faster. offers some excellent advise on how to help yourself or a friend get feet back on the ground.  Keeping calm and resting makes sense.  However, we wouldn’t have thought of chewing on peppercorns!  For more suggestions, click here.

Be careful out there!  Stay mellow.

– Jet Cannon

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Brain Health

Quoting an article from Parade magazine, “Exercise, sleep and, increasingly, having strong social ties are now seen as ways people can protect brain health.” Good news except do they have to be in that order??

  • Jet Cannon
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Brain Health Read More »

Detroit Rocks!

We read that Jack White, of the White Stripes band, got married on stage last Friday night in his hometown of Detroit. It seems like a lot of musical folks hail from Detroit so we took a look on the Interweb. Among the better know include Bob Sugar, Suzi Quatro, MC5, Aretha Franklin, The Stooges, Berry Gordy, Jackie Wilson, Rare Earth, Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, Alice Cooper, Eminem, Smokey Robinson, Martha and the Vandellas, Mary Wells, Ted Nugent, The Temptations, Four Tops, Diana Ross, Sonny Bono, and Wilson Pickett.

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Pink floyd

After 28 years, Pink Floyd is releasing an original single today with proceeds to support the people of Ukraine via humanitarian relief. “Hey Hey Rise Up” features vocalist Andriy Khlyvnyuk of the Ukrainian band Boombox. He is currently in the hospital with shrapnel wounds suffered while serving with the Ukrainian army.

David Gilmour has a Ukrainian daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

  • Jet Cannon

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Beer Here!

On National Beer Day and with Major League Baseball kicking off, it was fun to learn from that we can still purchase a beer and hot dog at the ballpark for less than $10 in eight different major league ballparks! Thank you!! It’s ten bucks just for the beer in our home town.

The least expensive is at the Arizona Diamondbacks’ field. Hot dog $2. Beer $4. Nice!

The other teams with a combo for less than $10 are the Miami Marlins, Colorado Rockies, New York Yankees (didn’t figure on that one), Minnesota Twins, Kansas City Royals, Atlanta Braves, and the Tampa Bay Rays.

Take us out to the ballgame!

  • Jet Cannon
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7,000 Steps Are A Stairway Down From Heaven

We’ve said it before but it bears repeating.  Walking works.  Axios reports:

“Mortality risk was reduced by 50% for older adults who increased their daily steps from around 3,000 to around 7,000, according to new medical research.  7,000 is the new 10,000, in terms of steps you should shoot for.  It’s wildly effective. Walking strengthens your heart, improves bone density, relaxes your mind, and helps with muscle-building and pain management.”

That seems like a good start. But what has it done for us lately?

  • Jet Cannon
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7,000 Steps Are A Stairway Down From Heaven Read More »

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Cocktails To Go

Twelve of thirty-five states that legalized cocktails to go have extended the service. That’s good for our favorite watering holes and their bartenders. And it’s a nice convenience when you want a proper cocktail without the hassle. So if you live in one of those states, DON’T BLOW IT for the rest of us! No tipping your cup to a passing trooper! Wait until you get to your destination. Please.

  • Jet Cannon
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Stand up and Beer!

Our friends at have an important reminder this week and we will need to get prepared. Yes, April 7th is National Beer Day. And to help make sure we’re ready, April 6th is officially New Beer’s Eve.

“National Beer Day on April 7th annually, recognizes the world’s most widely consumed alcoholic beverage. Following water and tea, it is the third most popular drink overall.”

“One of the world’s oldest prepared beverages, beer possibly dates back to 9500 BC when cereal was first farmed.”

We thought Bud came first. Always learning something new.

  • Jet Cannon
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