Li’l Woody’s

Where have we been?? Reader’s Digest just listed the best burger in each of the 50 states and Li’l Woody’s won for Washington right in our own Seattle backyard!! Yet we’d never been there. So with Maserati Mike, we immediately engaged in some cuisine research….. and also to do a little day drinking. And we will not argue with Reader’s Digest. It’s a good burger. Not a monster pile of food but just a nicely balanced and very tasty burger. The fries were plentiful and excellent. Thin, greasy perfection.  And we like their style.


The best backyard burger you’ve ever had.

Fresh food, made to order.

Positive work environment for all. No jerks.

Supporting communities in need.


Always swimming upstream.


Doing everything 100%


Doing good.

  • Jet Cannon

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