Boomers. Remember when darn near everything fun was illegal. Buying beer on Sundays. Pot. Gambling. Speeding. Wait, speeding is still illegal.
Then someone realized there’s a bit of money in them there vices. Washington state tax revenues from direct cannabis retail sales were $468.81 million in 2020, while excise revenues from liquor and alcohol sales only totaled $415.28 million and cigarette, tobacco, vapor product excise revenues only totaled $383.55 million. Lottery revenues for fiscal year 2020 totaled $820.0 million. We’re still being taxed but it’s more fun than being taxed on property or, say, plumbing hardware.
So what’s left? Sex, drugs, and rock & roll.
Hey, Ho. Legalize Rock & Roll. Or just sex and drugs. Rock & Roll is probably too dangerous.
As Beer Boy Captain Tony is fond of saying, “Legalize it and tax it”.
– Jet Cannon