
Coffee the hard Way

Many Baby Boomers are familiar with Irish coffee and espresso martini’s.  Adding a kick to coffee is a time-honored tradition.  So Boomers will not be surprised to find spiked coffee in a can. Ask for a PBR and you could be handed a Pabst Blue Ribbon Hard Cold Brew.  Packing a caffeine and low alcohol-by-volume Buzz, it might just be the ticket for an early-morning tailgate this coming season!

– Jet Cannon

photo of cake near mug

Big Day Tomorrow

Yeah, National Beer Day is tomorrow, so while you’re laying in supplies, April 7th is also National Coffee Cake Day!  So get your flour, and I assume coffee, to make coffee cake (maybe that’s not right) or just buy some COFFEE CAKE, like me, to eat with your morning coffee tomorrow.  Then we’ll be alert, nourished, and ready to properly celebrate National Beer Day by, I suppose by enjoying a beer or two!  

– Jet Cannon

man, beer, thumbs-up

Coffee and Cosmos

Coffee and Cosmos

What do people in the state with the oldest population, in median age, prefer for their libations?  Well, Maine gets the honors for having the most people leaning towards the Baby Boomer years.  The best selling spirit in Maine is Allen’s Coffee Brandy.  Nice for cold weather.  However, the most popular cocktail is apparently the Cosmopolitan.  Interesting combination.  We’re not sure what to make of that!

– Scuba Robin

cosmopolitan, cocktail, drink

Pre-Workout Drinks

An energy boost before your workout is a welcome idea.  There are numerous powders and drinks on the market but are they safe?  In moderation, probably.  In many the main ingredient is caffeine which in appropriate amounts is likely safe and effective.  If your heart races or your fingers tingle that’s too much.  

Some experts recommend going more natural because then there is less concern with what other ingredients might be in that powder.  So instead, have a cup of coffee before working out.  Or food rich in protein like yogurt.

Use common sense.  We don’t want to over stress our bodies.  Yet it’s important to keep moving as we age.

– Jet Cannon 

gym, exercise, fitness

Cold Brew Coffee – Super-Size Me

Spring and summer mean you might want an iced coffee instead of the usual hot brew.  Cold brew coffee, brewed differently, is supposed to be sweeter and less acidic than regular coffee.  I don’t notice much difference but I did notice how expensive it tended to be being marketed in little pricey bottles.  Well, now there’s a super-size version that’s a little easier to swallow price-wise.  Thank you.

– Jet Cannon

dutch coffee, 4137 coffee, 4137 dutch coffee
woman holding her orange and white cat

Green Tea – Jolly Good

You may have heard that green tea has positive health benefits.  According to WebMD, the catechins in the tea are antioxidants that fight cell damage.  Blood flow may be increased, cholesterol may get lowered, and high blood pressure may be reduced. It may improve memory and possibly reduce the plaques linked to Alzheimers.  No guarantees but introducing tea time to your day may do more than just provide a time to relax with a cuppa.

– Jet Cannon

green tea latte, tea, latte

the Beatles on Ed Sullivan – February 9, 1964

Many Buzzed Boomer will remember the first appearance of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show.  Black and white TV.  Tiny speaker.  Screaming girls.  Parents longing for Frank Sinatra.  It was a big deal.To commemorate, here are some Beatles-inspired drinks.  The Ticket To Ride.  Juicy Lucy.  Sgt. Pepper.  Brandy Alexander.  Across the Universe.  Daq in the USSR.  The Apple Records Martini.  Luvly-Rita.  Ringo’s Drumsticks.  

Lots of choices.  Yet one of the most important beverages in the Beatles’ world and the one found most often in the recording studio…. Tea.  So classically British.

For something stronger, try the Sgt. Pepper:


Splash of Grenadine

Slice of Jalapeño pepper


– Jet Cannon

faceless woman pressing plunger of coffee maker at home

French Press Update

Awhile back I realized I had time in the morning to skip the K-Cup coffee and use my French Press. Other than a little clean up time after use it really doesn’t take much longer to make a cup of coffee and the advantage is the grind is fresh. Truth be told, I haven’t noticed much difference in taste and, in fact, the breakfast blend beans I bought were a little to light for me. I had to throw in some Christmas Blend to provide a little more flavor.

Today I’m going really old school. I brought out the percolator with the clear knob on top where you can see the coffee bubbling up as it percolates. Buzzed Boomers will probably remember Grandma or Mom using a percolator. So there’s that aspect. Nostalgic. And the coffee tastes pretty good. Better than K-Cup? Not to me but I like looking at the percolator. Much more class than a Keurig or Mr. Coffee.

  • Jet Cannon