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Fairly Magical Substance

While we were flipping through our copy of the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, we read about yet another study that found drinking coffee can be good for you.  As reported in Health, people who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had the largest impact—among these individuals ground coffee led to a 27% lowered risk of death.  Death bad.  Coffee good.  One doctor described coffee as a “fairly magical substance”.  They’re not exactly sure why that is but we’re guessing they’re all enjoying that second and third cup this morning.

  • Jet Cannon
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Drinking Black Tea Each Day May Lower Risk of dEATH, Study Shows

Well…. “Modestly” lower risk.  Darn! reported this, “The participants were followed for about 11 years, and researchers determined that people who drank at least two cups of tea per day had a 9%–13% lower risk of death from all causes, compared to people who did not drink tea at all.” 

So add black tea to the beverages that offer some health benefits like coffee and green tea do.  Plus water.  And we’ll add tequila to those but not based on any facts or studies.  We just like it.

– Jet Cannon

coffee balls

ABC News reports, “Swiss retailer Migros said Tuesday that it is launching a coffeemaking system designed to replace capsules that produce thousands of tons of waste worldwide each year.

The cooperative said its spherical capsules — described as “coffee balls” — are fully compostable, unlike the plastic and aluminum containers popularized by its rival Nestle under the brand Nespresso 36 years ago.

Migros said its coffee balls are encased in a thin, flavorless, seaweed-based cover that can be discarded with the spent coffee after use.

The company said the CoffeeB system, which also features a special coffeemaker, will be rolled out first in Switzerland and France this year, followed by Germany in 2023.”


Good thing we have time to get accustomed to saying “coffee balls” and consuming a morning dose of seaweed with our caffeine.


  • Jet Cannon
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Green Tea Magic

“Not only can green tea aid weight loss and help you recover faster after a workout, its potent antioxidants may also lower levels of “bad” cholesterol levels, while simultaniously increasing levels of “good” cholesterol levels, according to Harvard researchers. How does it work? Studies indicate that the polyphenols in green tea may block cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestine and also help the body get rid of cholesterol.”

So says Best of Life Online. See the rest of Foods Men Over 45 Should Eat by clicking here.


  • Jet Cannon
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Black Coffee Buzz

It’s nice to be reminded of the benefits of drinking black coffee while we’re drinking black coffee. And we are at the moment.  Eat This Not That’s Casey Clark recently captured the good and the bad and it’s mostly good.

Black coffee can reduce the risk for Type 2 diabetes, cancer, liver disease and heart disease.  Good start.  It also may create a healthy gut microbiome and keep that all-important lower GI tract humming. Coffee may make changes in the brain that enhance concentration, motor control and alertness. It’s been found to reduce the risk of dementia, depression, and suicide.  It can be a great pre-workout elixir.  

On the negative side, coffee may make anxiety and acid reflux worse.  That’s it?!  We’ll have a second cup!

  • Jet Cannon
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workout Recovery

We knew caffeine helped provide a pre-workout boost of energy to power through that exercise session. A cup of coffee, or a bit of pre-workout powder (mostly caffeine), can provide a psychological and physical boost. What we didn’t know is that coffee/caffeine may improve recovery after a workout!

This is from Shape magazine.

“Aside from helping you power through your sweat sesh, drinking coffee before your workout could help speed up your recovery afterward, says Abby Chan, M.S., R.D.N., a registered dietitian nutritionist and the co-owner of EVOLVE Flagstaff in Arizona. After about 15 minutes of exercise, the level of glucose in your blood begins to drop, and your body will typically resort to glycogen (the stored form of glucose in your liver and muscles) for energy, she explains. That said, “there’s some thought that caffeine can mobilize free fatty acids, which your body can then utilize for energy, to spare glycogen,” says Chan. “If you can decrease how much glycogen you’re utilizing during sport, then by possibly utilizing more fatty acids, then theoretically you can recover faster and better because you’re not getting so deep into your energy storage tanks.””

It seems coffee is nearly a miracle drug. We suggest making it illegal.

  • Jet Cannon
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Stuck in a Coffee Rut?

Yes, you! It’s okay. It’s not a bad rut in which to be stuck. We haven’t found many cups of coffee that we didn’t like but then we know there are folks out there with much more sophisticated taste buds. We’re easy to please. That said, we do have a favorite in Koffi coffee but that may be because we often drink it on vacation in just that right frame of mind. But for you wanna-be coffee connoisseurs who seek new coffee heights, there are subscription services that will provide a wide variety of excellent coffees.

Men’s Health found five services that they like and the article also notes the many health benefits of coffee in case we’ve forgotten. One service offers 600 different types of coffee from 60 roasters. There ought to be a few great ones in there.

  • Jet Cannon
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straight shots!

Of coffee. We’ve heard that coffee is probably good for us, in addition to putting that lift in our step. What’s not surprising is that all the fun stuff we like to add to coffee, be it cream or sugar or flavorings or artificial sweeteners, are not so good. Besides potentially adding pounds, one French study found that even artificial sweeteners led to a higher incidence of cancer. That’s just one study but common sense tells us that the morning boost without any additives is our best bet. Give it to us straight. We can take it!

  • Jet Cannon
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Healthy Kickstart

Coffee and breakfast are a good way to start the day. So combine the two with a coffee smoothie. Here’s some ingredients to consider:

  • Coffee
  • Almond Milk
  • Banana
  • Walnuts or almond butter
  • Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Ice
  • If no one is looking, add chocolate


Fire up the blender and away we go!


  • Jet Cannon
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Bean Brain shared some great news for coffee drinkers.  More is better.  At least to a point.

“Scientists agree: Drinking coffee is good for you. That’s good news if, like most Americans, you enjoy coffee and perhaps rely on it to help you wake up in the morning or stay alert during the day.

In the last couple of years, more detailed research on coffee has sought to zero in on just how much coffee you should drink every day for maximum health and brain benefits. They’ve found the answer–you should drink three cups. That advice comes from Uma Maidoo, MD, who’s been described as a “triple threat”–a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, trained nutrition specialist, and trained chef. She’s also the author of the bestseller This Is Your Brain on Food. In an article at, Maidoo explains how she herself uses coffee as part of her daily routine to boost her own brain function.

Why three cups? Maidoo points to a study in which researchers tracked both the coffee consumption and cognitive health of 676 elderly men over ten years. They found that the coffee drinkers had less than half the cognitive decline as the non-coffee drinkers did. And those who drank three cups a day had the least decline of all. A larger Harvard study, with a total 208,501 participants, both men and women, examined the likelihood of death over more than 20 years. It found that participants who drank coffee were less likely to die than those who didn’t, with the greatest longevity benefit going to those who drank between 3.1 and 5 cups a day.

If you want the maximum benefits from your coffee habit, make sure to follow these three rules:

1. Filter it.

Many sophisticated coffee drinkers favor espresso, French press, and Turkish coffee–and some love the Scandinavian tradition of boiling coffee with an egg in it (sometimes including the shell), which pulls together the grounds. Unfortunately, all these versions of coffee can be bad for you. When coffee is made without a paper filter, “oily chemicals called diterpenes come through that can raise artery-damaging LDL cholesterol,” according to The New York Times’ Jane Brody. Brody, who uses coffee pods, actually dissected one to make sure it contained a paper filter (it did).

2. Be careful what you add.

Coffee may be good for you, but sugar is very bad for you. So if drinking coffee means getting a highly sweetened latte concoction from your favorite barista, you won’t be doing your health any favors. Especially when you consider that espresso-based drinks like latte are unfiltered.

A better strategy is to make your own drip coffee at home, using fresh-ground beans for both better flavor and better control over exactly what goes into your coffee. For added fun, put the $4 to $6 you would have spent at the coffee shop aside for every homemade cup you drink, then use that money for a special treat.

3. Pay attention to your own reactions to coffee. 

This is Maidoo’s advice and it’s an important tip to follow because every body is different, and each of us may react differently to coffee’s effects. If it makes you feel jittery, cut back your consumption or cut it out altogether. The same holds true if you have trouble sleeping. Caffeine can affect your ability to fall asleep and also whether you reach the deep sleep stage that your body and brain both need to stay healthy.

At the same time, pay attention to whether coffee lightens your mood, which it might. One of the most intriguing findings from the Harvard study is that coffee drinkers were half as likely to commit suicide as non-coffee drinkers. Researchers believe the explanation may be that coffee boosts brain chemicals that have an anti-depressive effect.

So the most important question is, how does coffee make you feel? If it makes you feel nervous or interferes with your rest, then stay away from it or switch to decaf. If it makes you feel good, then drink up. Make sure to use a paper filter, and aim for three cups a day.”

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Bulletproof Coffee

We watched a compelling video today about the nearly-magical benefits of butter, or bulletproof, coffee.  The video promised to solve most, if not all, of our problems including weight loss and obtaining vigorous, all-day energy simply by adding butter to our morning coffee.  So we did a quick Interweb search.  Here is what had to say.

“While people have been adding butter to their coffee for hundreds of years, today’s “butter coffee” refers to bulletproof coffee, which is also known as keto coffee.

There are certain benefits to the various ingredients of butter coffee, and it may help those transitioning to a ketogenic diet (our doctor is not a big fan of keto diets).  However, you would generally be better off consuming a nutrient-dense and balanced meal. A solid breakfast will provide you with the same feelings of alertness and fullness while providing additional nutritional benefits.”

Damn.  No magic today in our coffee.

– Jet Cannon

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High on Coffee and Associated deep thoughts

We made some Koffi brand coffee in the French press this morning. It brought us back to sitting outside the Koffi cafe in Palm Springs sipping that first cup of coffee on a beautiful Palm Springs day. “Gee, that’s a great cup of coffee!” Or is it!!?? Maybe it’s just being on vacation and enjoying a lovely morning with friends that makes the coffee taste so good. (Koffi Corporation, please send some complimentary coffee for further evaluation.).

The same thing with weed. Is it nature, and the careful cultivation of a particular strain, or nurture where our high is very dependent on our mood, environment, preconceived notions, and clever weed marketing?

The same thing with fine wine. Is it the wine or is it the food, friends, atmosphere and the wine label?

Who cares? If it’s good, enjoy it. That’s our Deep Thoughts for today. Just one more cup.

  • Jet Cannon
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Some Buzzed Boomers are trying Dry January or moderating their drinking this month.  Some are amping up the exercise endorphins while trying to shed those holiday pounds.  Some are exploring their cannabis options.  And some are just sticking to that delicious cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

Whatever your path, whether a cocktail, a latte, a cannabis drink, or cold water after a good workout…. Savor the the beverage!  

Happy New Year!

– Jet Cannon

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