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Bulletproof Coffee

We watched a compelling video today about the nearly-magical benefits of butter, or bulletproof, coffee.  The video promised to solve most, if not all, of our problems including weight loss and obtaining vigorous, all-day energy simply by adding butter to our morning coffee.  So we did a quick Interweb search.  Here is what webmd.com had to say.

“While people have been adding butter to their coffee for hundreds of years, today’s “butter coffee” refers to bulletproof coffee, which is also known as keto coffee.

There are certain benefits to the various ingredients of butter coffee, and it may help those transitioning to a ketogenic diet (our doctor is not a big fan of keto diets).  However, you would generally be better off consuming a nutrient-dense and balanced meal. A solid breakfast will provide you with the same feelings of alertness and fullness while providing additional nutritional benefits.”

Damn.  No magic today in our coffee.

– Jet Cannon

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