Banging Our Head Against The Wall

Today, November 8th, is…wait for it…. National Harvey Wallbanger Day!  There’s a fun story behind it including Laguna Beach, surfers, and bartenders all according to National Day Calendar.  Our favorite tidbit:

Q. Harvey Wallbanger sounds like a good name for a band. Is the name taken?
A. It was. Kind of…musicians Jeremy Taylor, Christopher Prurves, Johnny Griffiths, Neil “Reg” McArthur, Richard Allen and Harvey Brough founded Harvey and The Wallbangers in the 1980s.

Meanwhile, the cocktail is easy to make.

3 parts vodka, 1 part Galliano and 6 parts orange juice. Pour it into a highball glass and garnish it with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry

– Jet Cannon

Photo:  A Couple Cooks

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