Jet Cannon

Banging Our Head Against The Wall

Today, November 8th, is…wait for it…. National Harvey Wallbanger Day!  There’s a fun story behind it including Laguna Beach, surfers, and bartenders all according to National Day Calendar.  Our favorite tidbit:

Q. Harvey Wallbanger sounds like a good name for a band. Is the name taken?
A. It was. Kind of…musicians Jeremy Taylor, Christopher Prurves, Johnny Griffiths, Neil “Reg” McArthur, Richard Allen and Harvey Brough founded Harvey and The Wallbangers in the 1980s.

Meanwhile, the cocktail is easy to make.

3 parts vodka, 1 part Galliano and 6 parts orange juice. Pour it into a highball glass and garnish it with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry

– Jet Cannon

Photo:  A Couple Cooks

Aging More Better

AARP just wrote about “Super Agers” and their secrets to a healthier, longer life. Though not well-kept “secrets” their tips are a good reminder of what we should be doing.


  • Control blood sugar and blood pressure
  • Talk to friends. A lot.
  • Avoid stress
  • Prioritize sleep
  • Protect vision and hearing
  • Choose more demanding exercise e.g. walk fast versus just walking
  • Feed the brain with puzzles, music, books, games, travel, lectures


AARP membership includes all kinds of good information and benefits for seniors. It’s also inexpensive to become a member.

  • Jet Cannon


  • Photo: Freepik
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Seeing The Lighter

Ohio became the 24th state to legalize marijuana.  Finally seeing reason?  More like they were tired of next door Michigan collecting all the tax revenue as Ohioans trekked across the border (no wall) to buy their weed.  The answer is money.  What was the question?

– Jet Cannon

Live Classical Rock

We’ve written about vinyl parties where you invite friends over, select a classic album to play beginning-to-end, and serve a cocktail that fits the mood.  There’s even a book called Booze and Vinyl which makes suggestions for the album, accompanying beverage for both sides A and B, plus appetizer ideas to go with.  For example, the Eagles Hotel California calls for a Beachcomber Cocktail for side A and a Mojito for side B.  Now take that concept to a live show.  The Black Jacket Symphony has spent the last 15 years performing 40-some classic albums, note-for-note.  We just saw them perform Hotel California before adding Eagles hits following intermission.  The cast included four excellent guitarists nailing guitar harmonies while the vocal harmonies were spot-on.  Several songs included a violinist and a viola. They take their covers seriously. The venue was a perfect 700-seat acoustically-excellent setting complete with cocktail bars in the lobby.  Next year Black Jacket will take on Dark Side of the Moon and we would expect it will be note-for-note stunning.  Here’s their website.  If you have the opportunity and enjoy live classic album rock as we used to consume it, check out their tour schedule. 

– Jet Cannon 

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Beer And Baseball

Beer made its way into the ballpark in the 1890’s, in plenty of time for the first World Series in 1903. That year the Boston Americans played the Pittsburgh Pirates in a nine-game series. Boston won it in eight. General admission could be had at many games for a quarter. Today, beer and baseball go together like…. well… beer, baseball and hot dogs!

  • Jet Cannon

Are Energy Drinks Safe For Buzzed Boomers?

Play it safe.  No.  Especially if one has medical conditions as many of us do. Most anything fun is risky for us at our age.

Panera Bread is being sued over ‘Charged Lemonade’ energy drink after 21-year-old woman with a heart condition dies.  As Yahoo reports and suggests, “This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact a qualified medical professional before engaging in any physical activity, or making any changes to your diet, medication or lifestyle.” 

Energy drinks usually have a lot more caffeine than is found is coffee, tea or soft drinks hence the added risk.  For generating energy, consider a nap but…. See warning above!!

– Jet Cannon

Alien Secretion

Your team not in the World Series?  Neither is ours.  Here’s some cocktails to fit the mood but, based on the ingredients, we’re not sure they’d help.  Depends on preferences, we suppose.

Loser – Pepsi, whiskey, beef broth, espresso liqueur 

Sore Loser –  bourbon, peach liqueur, sherry, pernod and bitters

Suffering Bastard – Ginger beer, bourbon, mint, lime juice, angostura bitters

The Suffering Bastard is also known as an Alien Secretion.  Might have to try that one.

– Jet Cannon

Photo: Tipsy Bartender

When It Rains, Kill The Pain

Is it raining where you are?  It is where we are.  Regardless, couldn’t we all use a tiki drink to bring the tropics to the La-Z-Boy?  How about a Painkiller?  To make it right, go the extra mile or two and use fresh fruit.  It’s worth the effort (reward mantra = La-Z-Boy).


  • 2 ounces quality dark rum
  • 4 ounces fresh pineapple juice
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 ounce cream of coconut
  • Garnish: nutmeg, freshly grated
  • Garnish: pineapple wedge

Use a shaker to mix, pour over crushed ice and you’ll be singin’ in the rain!  

– Jet Cannon

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Celebrate Diversity

If you missed International Gin & Tonic Day, like we did, fear not. All is not lost for tomorrow October 21st is National Reptile Awareness Day!! Did you know there’s over 10,000 species? Enjoy!

  • Jet Cannon
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Leaf Laws

Don’t read this unless you’re completely sober or mental confusion may result. On this date in 2018, Canada legalized marijuana. It’s still illegal in the USA on a federal level. States other than those in the midwest and southeast have legalized it and reaped the tax revenue. Not sure how they get away with that but treating marijuana like heroin as the feds do doesn’t make much sense. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the feds have bigger fish to fry like stopping deadly fentanyl. But it clearly matters where you are standing in the USA when you indulge in marijuana. Crazy.

  • Jet Cannon

Hiatus Tequila Brand Ambassador To The Rescue

“To me, hiatus is about taking a step back from all the clutter that surrounds us in our daily lives, slowing down and reflecting on what’s most important for our mind, body, and spirit.”  – Kristopher DeSoto — Founder and CEO, Hiatus Tequila.  And thankfully, Hiatus Brand Ambassador Garrett found us at a Penn Station bar in New York amid the rush hour mass of humanity scurrying about.  He had us sample their delicious double-gold winner Reposado which let us escape the Gotham clutter while toasting all the fine folks at Hiatus Tequila!  Check out their web site here.

– Jet Cannon