Jet Cannon

Scrooge’s Go-to holiday drink

That would be the Smoking Bishop. Essentially it’s an orange and clove-spiked mulled port. What’s important about the bowl of Bishop is that the punch bowl is like the communal well. Nice for the holidays. Also important from English history is that you would get drunk and laugh at the church at the same time. For more on the history and the recipe for you Scrooge fans, read more from Tori Avey here.

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Rhum Agricole

We love folks who are passionate about their work, particularly when it involves distilling spirits like rum.  We recently enjoyed a Three Dogs and a Cat cocktail at Monkeypod that used Kuleana Nanea Rum as one of its ingredients.  Kuleana makes rhum agricola.

Rhum agricole is the French term for sugarcane juicerum, a style of rum originally distilled in the French Caribbean islands from freshly squeezed sugarcane juice rather than molasses.

With the closure of Hawaii‘s crystalline sugar producing mills, some artisanal distilleries have opened which continue production of cane for rhum agricole.  Thanks Wikipedia.

Kuleana Rum Works was born on the island of Hawai’i in 2013 to make and share exquisite rum while creating a thriving local business that celebrates the richness of Hawai’i.  They aim to elevate rum by celebrating it as a world-class spirit.  They do this by making rum from the best ingredients on Earth and without added sweeteners, flavors, or coloring.  Read the whole story here and then give non-molasses rhum agricole a try. 

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crypto Thriller

It’s close to midnight

Something evil’s lurking in the dark

Under the moonlight

You see a sight that almost stops your heart

Michael Jackson’s Thriller aired for the first time on MTV this day in 1983. On the same day in 2001, following revelations of massive accounting fraud, Enron filed for bankruptcy protection. So beware. More crypto bankruptcies could be deja vu all over again.

And no one’s gonna save you.

  • Jet Cannon
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