NPR reports that the business of nonalcoholic beer, wine and spirits is booming.
NielsenIQ’s data shows the market for nonalcoholic beer, wine and spirits grew more than 20% last year — and more than 120% over the last three years. The market now sees almost $400 million in annual sales. Compared to the roughly $200 billion market for stuff that can get you drunk.
So where’s the Buzz? The data shows that 82% of people who buy nonalcoholic beers, wine and spirits also buy traditional alcoholic drinks. So it seems a lot of folks are just cutting back and not giving up the real stuff.
From the BBC News, excessive outbreaks of seaweed and micro algae are clogging up waters from the Caribbean to the Baltic. Now both are being harvested alongside farmed crops to create ingredients for cosmetic and food products. Across in Sweden, a business called Nordic Seafarm is showing just how versatile seaweed can be. “We make algae-based gin and beer both locally produced,” says director Fredrik Grondahl.
An unusually alert Buzzed Boomer Rural Correspondent recently reminded us to ask for a discount when purchasing Cannabis from retailers. He qualified for the senior discount which, at his local outlet, is called the “Silver Stoner Discount”. Saved 15 percent!. We likely won’t be receiving further reporting for awhile.
Have you read the latest science-based diet book? Neither have we. This Washington Post article suggests we don’t need to. All those fancy schemes boil down to one thing that works. Burning more calories that we consume. Eating less, basically. Darn.
Buzzed Boomer researchers are constantly looking for reasons NOT to exercise. Thanks to this CNN article we found another excuse. Since 1 in 3 Americans are sleep deprived, this affects a LOT of people. Without good sleep our bodies may not have time to recover from exercise. So, what do the experts say? They say, “Use common sense.” Common sense? Then why do we need experts?
No?? That’s right. There’s nothing funny about dehydration.
This just in from Women’s World. In a study published this January in eBioMedicine, researchers concluded that consistently staying hydrated may slow down aging. It may also give you more “good years.” An adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.
If that New Year’s Resolution has you going full out on exercise this month, read this Men’s Health article on taking a break. Besides avoiding adverse effects of overdoing it, you may not lose those gains you’ve made.
“Going all out, all the time, is a sure path to exhaustion. It can lead to elevated levels of stress hormones and reduced immunity, as well as unduly stressing muscles, tendons and ligaments. Affording yourself time off every now and then will stop your motivation levels tanking, too. Even better, the nuclei (our cells’ control centers) we gain during periods of regular exercise remain in place even when our muscle cells shrink. To get a little sciencey, these residual ‘myonuclei’ allow us to regrow our muscles bigger and faster when we return to training after a break.”
While California is pummeled with rain, for some of us, Dry January means a severe case of cottonmouth. That’s because California Sober means we can still enjoy weed. But pop a Cannabis edible and expect a mouth akin to the Sahara desert a couple hours later. And since we’re staying true to Dry January, we can’t wet it down with a beer, glass of wine, or a cocktail. We can replace the edible with a liquid version of Cannabis but, since only a few ounces are advisable, that doesn’t really work to wet the whistle.
We enjoy watering holes that are older than us Baby Boomers. Heinold’s Saloon in Oakland’s Jack London Square is one of them. By a margin. The structure was built between 1871 and 1875 from the timbers of the Umatilla, an abandoned stern-wheel paddle steamer. It became a saloon in 1884. Welcoming comers and goers to the Oakland waterfront, Jack London’s wife wrote that First & Last Chance was adopted by Johnny Heinold and became part of the saloon’s name.
Jack London first entered the saloon when he was about ten years old. The Sea Wolf was inspired by the many sea captains who frequented the saloon.
The saloon still uses gas lighting and the pot bellied stove is original. Thankfully we can still soak in some in some suds and history at Heinold’s.
Leave it to Martha Stewart to help us with our excess vodka situation during Dry January. Who knew it could help us keep our clothes smelling fresh? “Whether it’s caused by sweat or campfire smoke, vodka can be used to obliterate unpleasant odors in clothing.” Read all about it in this Food52 article. But keep the top-shelf vodka on the top shelf until February.
So sad to see them go. Especially one of the most skilled, admired and influential guitarists in the history of rock and roll. Jeff Beck played with Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Ron Wood, Tom Bogart, Carmine Appice, Jimmy Page, Nicky Hopkins, Keith Moon, John Paul Jones, Cozy Powell, Jon Hammer, Jon Bon Jovi, Roger Waters, Kate Bush, Tina Turner, Johnny Depp, Ozzie Osbourne and many, many more. RIP.
Dry January is the longest month of the year. Nearly double that of other months. To pass the time, we just tried a Curious Elixir booze-free craft cocktail. We tried No. 1 which is their take on a Negroni. While it didn’t taste like any Negroni we’ve ever had it was definitely complex and interesting. We couldn’t quite pin down the flavor other that to imagine it tasted like super-premium canned orange juice, if such a thing existed. That is not to say we won’t try more of their concoctions. We will. It’s a fun happy hour activity.