Jet Cannon

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The Beach Is Back

Pretend you are on a raft in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks.  You only have a one-day supply of water and harpoons.  What do you do?

Stop pretending.

And get back to the beach!  Scientific studies are finding there are real health benefits to either living at the beach or even just visiting.  It can improve all around well-being.  It lowers stress and can lift your mood.  How?  Possibly it’s because waves produce negative ions which can produce positive vibes.  The U.S. Navy uses negative ion generators in submarines and on the bridges of ships to keep crews positive and alert.

So grab the sun-block and your cooler and head to the beach!

– Jet Cannon

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The Paper Plane Takes Flight

We all know the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright, Kitty Hawk, and the experiment of human flight. But how many of us know the name, Charles Edward Taylor? Well, Chuck was the Wright Brothers’ mechanic and today is National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day because it would be Chuck’s birthday.  So, if you happen to be flying, be thankful for the maintenance professionals who keep you safe up there.  And while you’re at it, order a Paper Plane cocktail from the beverage cart. Good luck with that.  Here’s how you make one at home:


1 oz bourbon

1 oz Amaro Nonino

1 oz Aperol

1 oz lemon juice


Combine in a shaker with ice, shake, and strain into a chilled coupe.

– Jet Cannon





While visiting the Brown Lantern Ale House (since 1933) in Anacortes, Washington we tried a Razarita. It essentially adds raspberry liqueur, like Chambord, to a margarita. They also substitute Tajin for salt on the rim. It’s a nice variation on a classic cocktail.

  • Jet Cannon

The Sazerac at Historic Napoleon House

What better place to enjoy the first ever cocktail than The Napoleon House Bar and Cafe in New Orleans.  Accounts differ, but most experts agree that the first cocktail was the Sazerac, a blend of whisky, absinthe, bitters and sugar. Created in New Orleans in the mid-1800s, Sazeracs still hit the spot.  The Napolean House Bar and Cafe occupies the first floor of the Napoleon House, designated as a historic building.  The pirate Jean Lafitte helped plot a rescue of Napoleon from exile and then house him in the building but Napoleon died before all that could happen.  The bar’s current owners have had it in their family for 100 years and the food, drink, and service are fit for an Emperor.  Their Sazerac cocktail is made with Sazerac Rye Whiskey, simple syrup, Peychaud’s & Angostura bitters, and Herbsaint. (Herbsaint was initially named Legendre Absinthe, but Legendre had to remove the absinthe label following government initiative, so the liqueur acquired its current name.)

– Jet Cannon

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Mt. St. Helens erupted on this day in 1980.  Tragically, fifty-seven people died, 200 homes were destroyed, and 185 miles of road were damaged. All told, the blast resulted in over a billion dollars in damage.

Much of the terrain has recovered after being basically leveled, though the volcano remains active.  Thus we celebrate with a Mt. St. Helens cocktail.  There are many variations but this one is our favorite.  All one needs is a Rainier beer, named after another volcanic mountain in Washington State, and Fireball cinnamon whiskey.  How appropriate.

There is more than one way to consume this drink; one can:

  • Shoot the Fireball and then drink the beer
  • Pour the Fireball in the beer
  • Take the Fireball as a “depth shot,” that is, drop the shot glass into the beer, causing the beer to foam up, and then chug the result. 

What a blast!

– Jet Cannon

Haunted Happy Hour

Here’s a tip kids.  Write it down.  When visiting a party city like Nashville or New Orleans, consider starting with a pub crawl tour.  The right guide will be a wealth of information noting where to eat and drink and what to avoid.  Meanwhile, you’ll learn the lay of the land and maybe pick up some history and interesting facts.  We found D.J. Hayes at Ghost Adventures and he packed an enormous amount of fascinating history and useful tips into a couple hours.  A self-described New Orleans Tour Guru…. Well he is just that.  A Guru.  He does Ghost Tours, Swamp Tours, Cemetery Tours, Voodoo Tours, Historical Tours and most importantly for Buzzed Boomers, Pub Crawls.  Want to know where the best drinks and bars are?  He knows cocktails.  If in New Orleans, contact him at [email protected].  You’ll be glad you did, regardless of which tour you select.

Another reason we were so impressed with DJ?  Let us share a quote. “Vodka is gin for children.”  Couldn’t agree more.

– Jet Cannon

You Do Voodoo

There are bartenders and then there are great bartenders.  We often ask the great ones for a favorite drink to make or for a specialty.  Head on down to the Voodoo Lounge in New Orleans. It’s not on Bourbon Street which is a plus right off the bat.  Ask for a Cool Breeze.  (Hope we got that right.  Some drinking involved in our research and I don’t remember a drink menu being available. And our bartender’s specialty might not even be on it if they did have one.) Mango Chile Bacardi rum, cranberry and pineapple juices.  You won’t be disappointed.

– Jet Cannon

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MSG With My Margarita, Please

When it comes to health, it’s challenging to keep up with what is good for us and what isn’t.  Red wine?  Eggs?  Butter?  So far, experts seem to agree that salt is bad.  And Baby Boomers will remember that we once learned MSG, Monosodium Glutamate, was bad.  It turns out it may be a healthy way to reduce our salt intake while enhancing the flavor of food.  The FDA considers it safe to eat.  Atlantic magazine explains this in a fascinating article.  Read it here.  “One highly acclaimed New York restaurant now serves an MSG martini!”

– Jet Cannon

Corpse Reviver #2 To Die For

Praise be to the few restaurants that retain the professionalism of yesteryear. El Gaucho in Seattle is one such establishment. The seasoned staff still don tuxedos. The service is excellent. The food is superb. The drinks are delightful.

We requested that Jay our bartender serve one of his favorites. Gin forward, Lillet, Cointreau, Absinthe and lemon juice. And that’s how we ended up with a Corpse Reviver #2.

  • Jet Cannon
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Japanese Noodle Cocktail, Please

Vine Pair covered the 50 Best bars awards ceremony in Mexico City.  Read all about it here.  New York City’s Double Chicken Please bar won top honors.  The lower east side lounge offers drinkable takes on classic dishes like Cold Pizza, Japanese Noodle, and Waldorf Salad.  Hmmm.  They also have cocktails on tap.  

No bars in our Jet City (Seattle) made the list. Zero.

– Jet Cannon

Long Island Iced Tea For Me

It’s Spring!  How about some iced tea?!  Long Island Iced Tea.  In which, there is no tea.

A bartender named Bog “Rosebud” Butt is credited with the creation of this strong but refreshing cocktail in 1972 on Long Island.

Here’s the recipe from


  • 3/4 ounce vodka
  • 3/4 ounce white rum
  • 3/4 ounce silver tequila
  • 3/4 ounce gin
  • 3/4 ounce triple sec
  • 3/4 ounce simple syrup
  • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Cola, to top
  • Garnish: lemon wedge


Add the vodka, rum, tequila, gin, triple sec, simple syrup and lemon juice to a Collins glass filled with ice.

Top with a splash of the cola and stir briefly.

Garnish with a lemon wedge.

Serve with a straw.