Jet Cannon

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Hot Potato

Continuing our dogged pursuit of foods that were once considered bad for us but are now found to be not so bad after all, let’s talk potatoes.  (Add that to butter, chocolate, eggs, MSG, etc.)  Too many carbs, right? reports, “Eating one medium-size potato a day can be part of a healthy diet and doesn’t increase cardiometabolic risk — the chances of having diabetes, heart disease or stroke — as long as the potato is steamed or baked, and prepared without adding too much salt or saturated fat, a study by nutritionists at The Pennsylvania State University found.  Potatoes are a rich source of potassium, which is important for blood pressure regulation, but which most Americans don’t get enough of in their diet.”  Read the entire article here and don’t fear the potato!

– Jet Cannon

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Going Off The Rails In Coeur d’Alene

Workaholic Buzzed Boomer Rural Correspondent, Maserati Mike, rolled into the Iron Horse Bar & Grill in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to conduct in-depth research.  He discovered The Derailer, their signature drink.  This cocktail means business.  It’s 48 ounces of three kinds of rum (Bacardi Silver, Spiced, and Gold), ginger ale, 7 Up, orange and pineapple juice, sour mix and as many straws as you need to share with friends.  Or not.  

– Jet Cannon

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Beach Bod Boomers

Okay, so we don’t look quite like we did a decade or two ago when were only a shade off Don Johnson but we don’t have to accept a major loss of muscle mass.  Michelle Gray, a physiologist and professor of exercise at the University of Arkansas, is quoted in Scientific American saying that,  “Proper diet and physical activity can combat some age-related muscle loss. Maintaining muscle comes down to continued movement. Doesn’t matter if you garden or if you ride a bicycle like I do or if you go to the gym.  You can help maintain your muscle mass by continuing to do the things that you’re already doing.”

So keep moving, Buzzed Boomers!

– Jet  Cannon

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As the Fourth of July holiday approaches we like to remember two important facts. First, Americans will eat 150 million hot dogs on the 4th. 150 million. Second, we know this because the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council counts them. America!!

  • Jet Cannon

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Step Outside

We’ve often shared what we’ve read about the health benefits of getting those steps in.  Walking works.  And if you can walk outdoors, it’s even better.  Prevention Magazine sums it up.

“Being outdoors is a natural antidote to stress,” says Richard Taylor, Ph.D., the head of the physics department at the University of Oregon, who studies how nature’s patterns affect mental health. His research shows that stress levels plummet by 60% when we view patterns like those found in nature. “Humans evolved for thousands of years outdoors, and our physiology is designed around it,” he says. “But then we built these boxes to live in, and there has been a growing move to be inside more. Our stress levels keep growing because of that too.”

Indeed, study after study over the past two decades has confirmed that green spaces, water, and sunlight confer health benefits that range from improved healing rates after surgery and strengthened immunity to decreased chronic pain. But the impact on mental health might be most dramatic of all.”

– Jet Cannon

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The Last Word In Tasty Cocktails

Near-genius Mercer Island bartender, Earl Bahama Armani, recently introduced us to the Last Word cocktail.  Where have we been?  We missed some noteworthy cocktail history from the Zig Zag Cafe. Per Wikipedia, the Zig Zag Café is a craft cocktail bar and restaurant in Seattle, Washington. Established in 1999, the bar is considered one of the best in the United States, helping lead the craft cocktail movement. From 2002 to 2011, noted bartender Murray Stenson worked at Zig Zag Café, and created innovative cocktails as well as reintroduced the pre-Prohibition-era Last Word cocktail to the public and to bars around the world. The Last Word is a gin-based Prohibition-era cocktail originally developed at the Detroit Athletic Club. While the drink eventually fell out of favor, it enjoyed a renewed popularity after being rediscovered by Stenson in 2003.  Thank you Murray…. And Earl!!


  • 3/4 ounce gin
  • 3/4 ounce green Chartreuse
  • 3/4 ounce maraschino liqueur
  • 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
  • Garnish: brandied cherry (optional)


  • Add the gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur and lime juice into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

    – Strain into a chilled coupe glass.

    – Garnish with a brandied cherry

– Jet Cannon

Photo and Recipe:

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Bite Me

Jaws was released on this day in 1975 starting a tradition of summer blockbusters.  Celebrate with All Recipes’ Shark Bite Cocktail!  The drops of grenadine will be a crowd pleaser for sure.


  • 2 cups ice cubes, divided
  • 1 fluid ounce simple syrup
  • ¾ fluid ounce spiced rum
  • ¾ fluid ounce light rum
  • ½ fluid ounce Blue Curacao
  • ½ fluid ounce lime juice
  • 3 drops grenadine syrup, or as needed
  • Directions
  • Fill a cocktail shaker with 1 cup ice. Add simple syrup, spiced rum, light rum, blue Curaçao, and lime juice. Cover and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted, 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Fill a glass with remaining 1 cup ice. Strain cocktail over ice in the glass. Add drops of grenadine to cocktail.

– Jet Cannon

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Snakes And Ice On A Plane

Both bad.  Travel & Leisure warns that studies of ice on planes; not good for your health.


“A 2019 peer-reviewed study by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center at the City University of New York showed that the drinking water on 11 major and 12 regional airlines is possibly unsafe for human consumption.” 


“If, however, you simply cannot go without ice for a single flight there is one way around it — order a strong cocktail or at least a soda. As the ice researchers concluded, there is a “consistent reduction of bacterial risk due to alcohol, CO2, pH and antibacterial ingredients of vodka, whisky, Martini, peach tea, tonic water, and Coke.””

Read here for all the details.

– Jet Cannon

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World Martini Day

June 19th is when the world celebrates our favorite cocktail. Here is some useful information from about martinis and how to order them. We learned a few things ourselves.

Martini Lingo

  • Dirty – This Martini includes olive brine or juice from the olive jar.
  • Dry – The vermouth is decreased significantly in the Martini, and gin becomes the primary spirit. Extra dry tips the ratio even further.
  • Gibson – Instead of an olive, bartenders garnish the Martini with a pickled onion.
  • Shaken vs. Stirred – Most bartenders will tell you that the better Martini is stirred. Shaken Martinis tend to be inferior due to a couple of reasons – ice chips water down the drink, and shaking the Martini adds air to the cocktail. A stirred Martini results in a smoother, fuller experience.
  • Straight Up – This Martini may be either shaken or stirred, but it is strained and served without ice – the opposite of a Martini on the rocks.
  • Smoky or Burnt – Scotch whisky replaces the vermouth in this Martini. A twist of lemon garnishes the glass.
  • Wet – Where the dry Martini has less vermouth, this one has more.
  • With a Twist – The bartender adds a thin strip of citrus peel to the Martini as a garnish or in the drink.  

– Jet Cannon



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