May 2024

First Rock n’ Rollers Rock

We’ve never minded being labelled Baby Boomers but C. Graham Campbell has a different opinion.  

“I loathe being considered a member of the “Baby Boomer” generation. It is a stupid, vapid, obnoxious label. The epithet should have been laid to rest decades ago. In addition, it has become a term of derision for the millennials and their cohorts. What we actually are is the first rock n’ rollers, or FRRs.”

“Baby Boomers describes our parents, not us. We were the boomed, they were the boomers.

Read Graham’s entire article here in 3rd Act Magazine as he celebrates us First Rock n’ Rollers.

“Gen-whatevers are mostly fine people and can enjoy their music as they please. But ROCK IS OURS.”

– Jet Cannon


Photo: 3rd Act

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Just A Spoon Full of…..

Today, coffee is good for you, say scientists.  Tomorrow?  Who knows.  Let’s run with the idea that it is good and review a way to make it better for gut health, according to one gastroenterologist.  Read all about it in this Well and Good article but we’ll cut to the chase.  Add cinnamon.  That’s right.  Cinnamon.  Anti-oxidants, a bit of fiber, plus a way to vary the taste.  We tried it this morning and then ran a marathon.  Well, we did try it.  And we will throw it into rotation.  The doctor says soy milk is another way to further benefit the gut during our coffee break. But what about cream and sugar?!

  • Jet Cannon

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My Favorite Cocktail, By John Lennon

Talk about the perfect finale to your next vinyl party, the Brandy Alexander, was a favorite of John Lennon’s, according to this article in All Recipes. First introduced in the 1920’s, Lennon made quite a scene at a live Smothers Brothers show back in the day after over-indulging in the cocktail that tasted to him like a “milkshake”. 

No listening party coming up?  The Brandy Alexander is a delicious dessert cocktail following any meal or event.  Just don’t overdo it or they could still be talking about your antics 50 years later.

 Here’s how to make it: 

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add 1/2 ounce crème de cacao, 1/2 ounce brandy or cognac, and 1/2 ounce heavy cream per serving. 
  3. Cover and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted, then strain into a chilled martini glass. Optional: sprinkle with nutmeg to garnish.

– Jet Cannon

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Agave Vodka

Vodka is gin for children.  That’s been our feeling.  However, we’re now on the lookout for Weber Ranch Vodka.  NBC-DFW reported the following:

Wheat, corn, potatoes and now agave. All things that vodka can be made from.

“We wanted to do something, crazy,” mused master distiller Antonio Rodriguez.

That crazy idea turned into Weber Ranch Vodka, an agave-based vodka “Born in Jalisco, Crafted in Texas.”

This unique approach to the classic spirit creates a flavor profile with a rounded finish, a smooth mouthfeel and citrus flavors from the agave plant, Rodriguez explains.

It’s the flavor part that caught our eye. Vodka mixes so nicely because it has no flavor of its own, in our experience. So a Weber dry martini or on the rocks just could be very interesting! 

– Jet Cannon

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Believe It Or Not

The Center for Disease Control says:

“Adults aged 65 and older need:

  • At least 150 minutes a week (for example, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week) of moderate-intensity activity such as brisk walking. Or they need 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity such as hiking, jogging, or running.
  • At least 2 days a week of activities that strengthen muscles.
  • Plus activities to improve balance, such as standing on one foot.”


  • Jet Cannon

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Light Up Or Leave Me Alone

Silver Sneakers shared this on their website.  “According to a report issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, feeling socially disconnected can increase your risk of early death as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.  Technology may serve as a solution for those who live alone or can’t leave the house because of mobility issues. According to one small study, people ages 60 and older who were more fluent in social media tended to experience less loneliness. There are so many ways to connect. You can chat with someone on the phone. You can join clubs. You can go to groups. You can use technology. You can get on Zoom. You can simply turn to someone else and ask them how their day is going.”

Probably should avoid those hookah bars as a place to meet people.  

– Jet Cannon

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Ridiculous Abs

Shape magazine recently posted an article on a two-week plan to reduce belly fat. Now we are not confirming nor denying that this is an issue for us but we wanted to share the short version with Buzzed Boomers who may or may not have belly fat.  Here are the abbreviated recommendations:  

  • Take a brisk walk before breakfast
  • Eat oatmeal
  • Select red fruits over green ones for more flavonoids (they must be good)
  • Eat avocados
  • Make plant-protein smoothies
  • Eat eggs
  • Drink citrus-infused water

And your problems are solved!

– Jet Cannon

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Buzzed In Space

Today in 1961 Alan B. Shepard, Jr. became America’s first space traveler as he made a 15 minute suborbital flight aboard Mercury capsule Freedom 7.  Alan, and three of his fellow Mercury 7 astronauts (Deke, Wally, and Scott) were smokers.  So Alan likely had a few hits of nicotine before and after the flight.  After a press conference in which three of Mercury 7 astronauts smoked onstage, inviting a question about it from the press, the astronauts were told to avoid smoking in public, because of the bad example it set.  And they never smoked in space, as far as we know.  Leave that to the Russians.  Peggy Whitson, the NASA scientist who supervised the American science program for Norm Thagard’s mission to the Soviet space station Mir in 1995, was dismayed to find that the cosmonauts actually smoked cigarettes and drank vodka aboard the station.

– Jet Cannon

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