June 2023

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Boosting Memory

Not getting enough flavanols — natural compounds found in fruits, vegetables and even chocolate — could be driving that age-related memory loss, according to U.S. News.  “This is the first time we can conclude that flavanols are acting as a nutrient for the aging brain,” said Dr. Scott Small, a professor of neurology and director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.  Besides berries and dark chocolate, other flavanol-containing foods include apples — particularly the peels — grapes, citrus fruits, cocoa and green tea. Good vegetable sources of flavanols are onions, hot peppers, kale, broccoli, rutabagas and spinach, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“I believe that you could consume enough flavanols to prevent yourself from being deficient,” Small said. However, he urged people not to focus on getting this nutrient through chocolate.

“There’s no way you can eat enough chocolate to have this benefit. In fact, if you tried, you would die first,” Small said.

But what a way to go!

– Jet Cannon