Marijuana munchies
Everyone knows that marijuana users are more obese, due to the munchie factor, are lazy and lethargic, and do less exercise than non-users. Not so says a study published in the Journal of Health Economics and reported by Analyzing obesity data in Washington State, one of the first states to legalize marijuana, researches found a decrease in obesity rates. This was surprising given previous literature finding marijuana use is often associated with increased unhealthy food consumption and lethargy. Researchers note the study does not determine exactly why legalization seems to be linked to decreased obesity rates.
Another 2018 study concluded that the average marijuana user actually has a slimmer waistline compared to non-users. We have a theory for that one, based on zero research, and we describe it as the “beer-belly factor”. More weed, less beer. So you see we may have a point. It’s a stupid one. But it’s a point.
– Jet Cannon

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