Weeding out the weak

We were recently treated/subjected to Malort, a Chicago liqueur with an intriguing history.  During Prohibition, “Carl Jeppson begins producing his “bäskbrännvin” (a traditional Swedish-style of bitters) and sells it as a “medicinal” product that rid its imbibers of stomach worms and other parasites in the body. Jeppson skirts federal regulation given the recurring conclusion by law enforcement that nobody would drink his concoction recreationally.”  Since then, it’s been modified and included at one point a stem of wormwood in the bottle.  Yum.  Through the decades, Jeppson’s Malört – a traditional wormwood-based digestif – has been thought of as a rite of passage or a hangover cure. For many Chicagoans, Malört is the drink that has defined the Chicago bar experience. 

Intrigued, we gave it a try and found it not at all unpleasant.  Read about Malort here and take note of a possible cure for hangovers and/or worms!

Shout out to Jack and Tim for sharing!

– Jet Cannon

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