“Tots” Rock

Our good friend Captain Tony never sets out to sea (inland waters) aboard his “ship” (Boston Whaler) without a supply of Pusser’s Navy Rum.  Why?  It (was) a time-honored sailors’ tradition.  Per Pusser’s web site, “Rum became an important drink for the British Royal Navy. From the 16th Century until July 31st, 1970, British sailors were given daily rations of a mixed rum called Navy Rum. These became referred to as “tots.”

Daily life aboard these ships was brutal. Not only did they have to deal with the stress of operating a ship in the middle of the ocean, where one mistake could mean death, but they also fought enemy ships “eyeball-to-eyeball.”

These sailors used to have multiple “daily tots” each day to help keep up morale. The practice was eventually halted in the 1970s when modern officers grew concerned with drunkenness and on-deck fighting. 

Here’s some good news: fans of history and rum can still order Pusser’s Original Navy Rum. It follows the same historical recipe used for hundreds of years.” 

Yo ho ho.

Pusser’s Painkiller Ingredients

  • 2-ounces (60 ml) Pusser’s Rum
  • 4-ounces (120 ml) pineapple juice
  • 1-ounce (30 ml) orange juice
  • 1-ounce (30 ml) cream of coconut
  • Freshly grated nutmeg


  • Add liquid ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.
  • Pour into a big glass or goblet filled with ice. Grate fresh nutmeg on top.
  • Garnish with an orange slice and cherry.
  • Be careful–this is a smooth and sneaky drink. Enjoy!

– Jet Cannon

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