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The Hunt for Happiness Week

That’s right Baby Boomers.  Next week is Hunt for Happiness Week, according to National Day Calendar.  Here’s their tips to help with the hunt:

  • Who are the people in your life that bring you happiness? Seeing them might bring you joy.
  • When you walk into work, do you feel surrounded by supportive peers? At the end of the day, you may feel satisfied with a job well done.
  • Have you experienced a sense of peace when meditating or praying? A spiritual connection is often an essential part of overall happiness.
  • Taking care of your health and connecting to the outdoors improves your physical wellbeing. It allows us to be independent and be an asset to others.
  • Develop community connections and social activities that broaden your horizons.
  • Identify your favorite activities and pursue them more often.
  • Review your finances. While money doesn’t buy happiness, managing the money we do make well does helps us to create security in our lives.

Hmmmm.  Nothing about catching a mellow Buzz to bring us joy.  Maybe that’s the fourth week of January.

– Jet Cannon

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