clear wine glass on table

Shaken Not Stirred

While visiting a wonderful basement pub in Vermont, the host showed off his collection of stainless steel cocktail shakers.  He had big ones that could make cocktails for five or six people and small single serving shakers and sizes in between.  Very impressive.   I’ve not found the big one online but I have learned that those cool looking shakers are not a friend of mine.  I have had them break open while gallantly and ceremoniously pouring into a guest’s cocktail glass more than once. You’d think I’d learn to hold it together during the pour.  In the same session, I found myself using all my strength to pull one apart that was stuck together, then running it under hot water and finally giving up and grabbing another shaker.

There is always the option of using a strainer on a pint glass or on the bottom half of the stainless steel shaker. It’s just a shame, though, that the coolest-looking shaker has issues.

There is a better mousetrap.  Oh, they cost a little more but they’re worth it.  Rubber gaskets keep the lid on tight while you pour but then the lid easily comes off afterwards.  Some are insulated so your beverage stays nice and cold until it’s completely drained.

Pouring a cocktail for a guest should not end in embarrassing failure.  And pouring a cocktail for yourself shouldn’t require feats of strength.  With the right equipment, those issues go away and the stainless steel collection will look great just sitting on the bar.  

– Jet Cannon

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