National Submarine Day

National Submarine Day, on April 11th, honors the day the United States Navy acquired its first modern commissioned submarine, says   On April 11, 1900, the Holland VI became the Navy’s first modern submarine.

My plan is to visit the Horse & Cow Bar & Grill in Bremerton, Washington which is basically a bar in a submarine museum.

Have you seen the Progressive commercial where the don’t-become-your-parents counselor asks, “Who reads submarine books?”  And the sheepish answer, “My Dad.”  Well….. that’s me.

– Jet Cannon


submarine, steampunk, yellow
submarine, military, museum

1 thought on “National Submarine Day”

  1. Sounds like a great bar! My uncle was Lt commander on USS Trigger, was lost like 5 min before WW II ended. Fact: each state and a couple territories assigned a sub “still on patrol” from that War…Trigger is PA, came across plaque in Philly but the water. Which sub for your states B Boomers??

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