Martini Madness

We love Vine Pair for their fine coverage of wine, spirits and more. But here’s an article that rankles us traditionalists….. “From Crispy Chicken Skin to Potato Chips, Martini Garnishes Have Run Amok”. Read it here and weep. Admittedly, some of the creations were attempts to go viral and not serious. However, here’s our opinion deftly stated by a proper New York cocktail expert.

“The essence of the garnish is to serve as a complement to enhance the sensorial experience of any cocktail,” says David Orellana, beverage director at New York’s Grand Brasserie, who believes the recent Netflix reality show “Drink Masters” has inspired these garnishes to run amok — not a good thing in his book. “At Grand Brasserie we are bound to tradition when it comes to Martini garnishes,” he says.

Thank you. Save the creativity for everything-but-the-kitchen-sink Bloody Mary’s.

  • Jet Cannon


Photo: Maserati Mike