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I get no kick from caffeine

Caffeine tolerance is a thing.  We like the Buzz before workouts, for motivation, for focus, and for those times when we need to stay alert.  But tolerance minimizes those benefits.  

We did some reading to get tips on getting a reset and we learned a few things.  First, caffeine is not an essential nutrient!  We agree to disagree on that one.  Next, clearing out the caffeine from your systems takes about a week or even two.  And then the tolerance rebuilds quickly as soon as caffeine consumption becomes a habit again.  Depressing.  

What about just drinking more?  Three or four cups of coffee a day is considered to be fairly safe but more than that is probably not a good idea.  And we need to include all sources of caffeine from chocolate to energy drinks.

After sifting through the suggestions for catching a Buzz when it’s really needed, the most reasonable seems to be either just getting out of the habit of, say, starting the morning with a cup of coffee just because we always do or steadily reducing the amount consumed each day.  Save the big gulp for the days when we really need the Buzz.  It’s common sense that beats going completely cold turkey.

Too drowsy to dig any deeper.  Good luck.

– Jet Cannon

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