How The Boomers Save Everything

Here’s an excerpt from a 2013 AARP article by P.J. O’Rourke.  It’s still spot on.  To read the whole article click here.

“Yes, we’re spoiled rotten. We’re self-absorbed. And it seems like we’ll never shut up. But the boomers made a better world for everyone else. You’re welcome.

The boomers are a generation that changed the world.  We’re the largest, richest, best-educated generation of Americans, the favored children of a strong, confident and prosperous country. Or, as other generations call us, spoiled brats. Born between 1946 and 1964, the 76 million boomers reaped all the benefits of the postwar period’s extraordinary economic growth.  

We’re the generation that will die with the most toys.  Until that day finally comes, we’ll still be riding our bicycles, jamming in garage bands, and wearing jeans and T-shirts. We’re famously careful about the way we raise our kids, because somebody has to grow up. It won’t be us.

And what about those kids? Will Generation X and the Millennials do a better job running the world than the boomers have? Let’s hope so. But first they’ll have to move out of our basements.”

Thanks P.J.

– Jet Cannon

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