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Food for Happy Thoughts recently gave us some tips on boosting serotonin and, therefore, our mood…with food!  We’ve edited the article to cooperate with our short attention span. 

“There are some snacks that can boost your body’s serotonin as well as foods that deplete serotonin. Serotonin—an important chemical neurotransmitter—helps regulate many functions in the brain and body, including mood, sleep, bone health, blood clotting, and memory formation.

Balanced serotonin levels help us regulate our emotions and steady our mood, which is why serotonin is often called a natural mood stabilizer.  So first, what foods aren’t so good?

The three key foods that deplete serotonin, according to a neuroscientist are:

1. Sugary snacks

2. Food with high levels of trans-fat

3. Highly-processed foods

Serotonin is produced from tryptophan, which is not naturally produced by our bodies. As such, you’ll want to ensure that your diet includes this essential amino acid—and luckily, many a delicious ingredient fits the bill. 

Some great foods that contain tryptophan are eggs, nuts, seeds, salmon, and cheese.

Besides food, regular exercise is also a great way to increase your serotonin levels, as well as making sure you get sunshine and light, especially first thing in the morning if possible. This can help regulate your circadian rhythm and further improve your mood. Learning new information and, more specifically, building happy memories also helps with serotonin levels.

Hanging out with your loved ones can achieve the same effect. When we engage with others in meaningful ways, our cortisol levels go down while the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine balance in our brains.

So the next time you’re feeling a little down, consider spiking your serotonin levels with a healthy snack—or a few hugs and a sun-soaked walk with a friend.”

– Jet Cannon

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