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Dry or Dryer January Helpful Hints

We’re always promoting responsible attainment of a Buzz and in that spirit here’s some suggestions from Men’s Health for maintaining high spirits without drinking lots of spirits:

Cue up a comedy instead of a drink

Round up some friends for some sports instead of meeting at the bar

Try a solo event like a movie or dinner

Rock out with your favorite music

Soak in a tub

Instead of a drink, reach for a pen and unleash those inner thoughts

Cook some creative meals

Get some real sleep.  How about a full 8 hours?

Tap into nostalgia.  Watch a favorite movie or listen to an entire favorite album

Enter suspended animation until February.  This last one is ours.

Just reading through this list makes us sad and thirsty.  Or as Pabst Blue Ribbon posted in a now-deleted tweet, “Not drinking this January?  Try eating ass!”

That’s a bit extreme.  Or is it? 

Go forth and Buzz responsibly.

– Jet Cannon

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