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Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach

We were recently told drinking coffee on an empty stomach, which we do every morning, is harmful to our health. Particularly for women. And we know some women.

Here’s what we read in Healthline.com and it seems pretty convincing:

“Coffee increases the production of stomach acid but doesn’t appear to cause digestive issues for most people. Therefore, drinking it on an empty stomach is perfectly fine.

Coffee may cause a temporary rise in the stress hormone cortisol. Nonetheless, this is unlikely to result in health problems, regardless of whether you drink it on an empty stomach or with food.

Drinking too much coffee may cause anxiety, restlessness, migraines, and poor sleep. However, no evidence indicates that drinking it on an empty stomach affects the frequency or strength of these side effects.

Many people enjoy coffee first thing in the morning before they’ve eaten.

Despite persistent myths, little scientific evidence suggests that drinking it on an empty stomach is harmful. Rather, it likely has the same effects on your body no matter how you consume it.”


All the same, if you experience digestive issues when drinking coffee on an empty stomach, try having it with food instead. If you notice an improvement, it may be best to adjust your routine accordingly.