Don’t Puck with Seattle

We tried The KRACKEN ATTACKS FROM SEATTLE Limited Addition Rum for two reasons.  One, we like rum.  And two, the Seattle Kracken hockey team remains undefeated, given that they haven’t played yet.

We have to hand it to the folks at Kraken Rum.  Since there are a number of cities “under attack” by the Kracken, they’re urging us to collect all the various bottles which feature well-know landmarks from each city (e.g. Seattle Space Needle).  Good marketing.  We bought a few of those Starbucks coffee mugs from various cities until we realized we didn’t need a coffee mug from every city we visited.  So we probably won’t collect all the bottles but the spiced rum “with natural flavors” was pretty tasty.  We made cocktails without mixer or garnish.  Just shaken with ice and poured into a chilled martini glass.  Sweet but not too sweet.  Strong (94 Proof) but not too strong.  From what we remember anyway.

Kraken Rum.  Attacking a city near you!

– Jet Cannon

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