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Buzzed In Space

Today in 1961 Alan B. Shepard, Jr. became America’s first space traveler as he made a 15 minute suborbital flight aboard Mercury capsule Freedom 7.  Alan, and three of his fellow Mercury 7 astronauts (Deke, Wally, and Scott) were smokers.  So Alan likely had a few hits of nicotine before and after the flight.  After a press conference in which three of Mercury 7 astronauts smoked onstage, inviting a question about it from the press, the astronauts were told to avoid smoking in public, because of the bad example it set.  And they never smoked in space, as far as we know.  Leave that to the Russians.  Peggy Whitson, the NASA scientist who supervised the American science program for Norm Thagard’s mission to the Soviet space station Mir in 1995, was dismayed to find that the cosmonauts actually smoked cigarettes and drank vodka aboard the station.

– Jet Cannon

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Snakes And Ice On A Plane

Both bad.  Travel & Leisure warns that studies of ice on planes; not good for your health.


“A 2019 peer-reviewed study by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center at the City University of New York showed that the drinking water on 11 major and 12 regional airlines is possibly unsafe for human consumption.” 


“If, however, you simply cannot go without ice for a single flight there is one way around it — order a strong cocktail or at least a soda. As the ice researchers concluded, there is a “consistent reduction of bacterial risk due to alcohol, CO2, pH and antibacterial ingredients of vodka, whisky, Martini, peach tea, tonic water, and Coke.””

Read here for all the details.

– Jet Cannon

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The Sazerac at Historic Napoleon House

What better place to enjoy the first ever cocktail than The Napoleon House Bar and Cafe in New Orleans.  Accounts differ, but most experts agree that the first cocktail was the Sazerac, a blend of whisky, absinthe, bitters and sugar. Created in New Orleans in the mid-1800s, Sazeracs still hit the spot.  The Napolean House Bar and Cafe occupies the first floor of the Napoleon House, designated as a historic building.  The pirate Jean Lafitte helped plot a rescue of Napoleon from exile and then house him in the building but Napoleon died before all that could happen.  The bar’s current owners have had it in their family for 100 years and the food, drink, and service are fit for an Emperor.  Their Sazerac cocktail is made with Sazerac Rye Whiskey, simple syrup, Peychaud’s & Angostura bitters, and Herbsaint. (Herbsaint was initially named Legendre Absinthe, but Legendre had to remove the absinthe label following government initiative, so the liqueur acquired its current name.)

– Jet Cannon

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Haunted Happy Hour

Here’s a tip kids.  Write it down.  When visiting a party city like Nashville or New Orleans, consider starting with a pub crawl tour.  The right guide will be a wealth of information noting where to eat and drink and what to avoid.  Meanwhile, you’ll learn the lay of the land and maybe pick up some history and interesting facts.  We found D.J. Hayes at Ghost Adventures and he packed an enormous amount of fascinating history and useful tips into a couple hours.  A self-described New Orleans Tour Guru…. Well he is just that.  A Guru.  He does Ghost Tours, Swamp Tours, Cemetery Tours, Voodoo Tours, Historical Tours and most importantly for Buzzed Boomers, Pub Crawls.  Want to know where the best drinks and bars are?  He knows cocktails.  If in New Orleans, contact him at [email protected].  You’ll be glad you did, regardless of which tour you select.

Another reason we were so impressed with DJ?  Let us share a quote. “Vodka is gin for children.”  Couldn’t agree more.

– Jet Cannon

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Proper Cocktails At Eight Miles High

This Vine Pair article shares 14 cocktails we can make on board your favorite airliner.  A few require creating some simple syrup in the terminal but most do not.  So have a Gin & Tonic, Mimosa, French 75, Kalimotxo, Screwdriver, Irish Coffee, Hot Toddy, Cuba Libre, Sangria, Bloody Mary, Tom Collins, Daiquiri, Mojito or an Espresso Martini.  Not only will you impress your seat mates but you’ll kill some time in the process.

– Jet Cannon

Photo:  Thrillist

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Towering Champagne Bar

On March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower, a wrought iron technological masterpiece was inaugurated in Paris, says Britannia.  To celebrate, visit the Champagne Bar at the top and enjoy some bubbly in an illuminated glass!  Or look for Paris Seduction Vodka in a bottle shaped like the Eiffel Tower.  This powerful and aroma-rich vodka is great with cocktails.


– Jet Cannon

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The Only Way to Fly

On October 26, 1958, Pan Am and the 707 would make history by inaugurating the first 707 service and the first daily transatlantic jet service from New York to Paris. Hot meals on fine china, wide seats with plenty of legroom, passengers in dresses and suits and ties, lounges in which to mix and mingle…. and it’s only gotten better since then! Amazing the progress we’ve made.


  • Jet Cannon



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700 Quintillion

Those amazing photos that NASA is releasing reminds us that there are an estimated 700 Quintillion planets out there…. give or take. If even 1% are habitable…… that’s a lot of earths, although we’re sure ours is the best. And you wonder why we like catching a Buzz. 700 Quintillion. That’s a billion billions. Yeah, right.

  • Jet Cannon – 700 Quintillion Denier

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Crazy Train

Have you ever felt like you were having a darn good time when you realized other people were having a much better time? We recently rode the Amtrak Coast Starlight train from Seattle to Los Angeles. Between our bar setup in the sleeping car bedroom and the drinks in the observation/lounge car, we were catching a pretty nifty Buzz as the scenery whizzed by. A chance meeting in the dining car revealed that some fellow passengers were having a really, really fun time. Much laughter and the kind of friendly banter unique to train travel led to our introduction to the Crazy Train Drinking Game. The game was much like the games we played as kids on long trips in the family station wagon. Except for the drinking part. The Crazy Train rules were simple. Take a drink whenever one of the following happened:

  • Tunnels & bridges
  • Announcements over the speaker
  • Train stopping traffic at crossings
  • Cameron (sleeping car attendant) walks by
  • People waving at train
  • “Runners” (people racing up platform to catch train)
  • Golf course or casino spotted

With one blank, add your own opportunity, Maserati Mike added “cows”. We learned pretty quickly that you might as well just keep your drink in your hand because there weren’t a lot of resting moments.

We usually travel by plane. Good thing. No cows up there.

  • Jet Cannon

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Guinness Vacation

While browsing the InterWeb, we found Linda On The Run is a wealth of travel information including five top recommendations for Baby Boomers. Read her entire post here.

#1 is Ireland where she suggests hitting an Irish pub or two for a pint or two of Guinness. That’s really as far as we read. We’re packing our bags. Haven’t done Ireland and we recon it should be on the good old bucket list. Plus we suspect there is more to do there than just drink Guinness. However, we will pass on kissing the Blarney Stone.

The rest of the list included Alaska, Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, and Machu Picchu in the Andes, Peru. Sounds good but probably hard to find a Guinness in any of those places.

  • Jet Cannon
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Words of Wisdom

Alert Senior Executive Roving Correspondent, Princess S., found this request at Green Russell, a Denver speakeasy.

– Respect fellow patrons and your host

– Use the provided telephone booth if you need to use your cell phone

– Engage in lively but quiet conversation

– Try something new

– Please be patient

– Be kind and dress smartly

Call us old fashioned but it would be nice if these suggestions didn’t just apply to a speakeasy!

– Jet Cannon

Photo: & Princess S.



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