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The Natural High

Not everything at Buzzed Boomer is sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. No ma’am. No sir. We want to feel good and generating endorphins is the natural, healthy way to do it. There are a variety of ways to get your body creating endorphins. We could stop at chocolate as a source….. tempting….. but today we’re talking about exercise. Careful there seniors!! Check with your doctor and all that before engaging in sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll…. or exercise.

Back in the day, I was a runner. After 20 minutes or so the endorphins would kick in. But eventually the knees started to complain. So I hit the gym. Ellipticals, cycles, rowers, stair climbers. Even a bit of treadmill because they offer more cushion than running on the road. But then the gym closed. Permanently, in my case.

So like a lot of folks, we started looking for home solutions to tone up and help lose the Covid-19 pounds (more like 25 in my case). We ended up going with a rower with connections to Ifit. The rower offers a good full body workout with no impact. Ifit offers, like Peloton, a huge variety of other types of workouts from yoga to strength training led by professional trainers. I find myself cheating a lot less than working out on my own even though the trainer is working out inside a video monitor. We have a few barbells as extra equipment and we bought a mat to protect the carpet.

We’re very happy with the machine and we’re both starting to see results. I won’t be going back to a gym when this pandemic is over. No need to.

Jet Cannon

canoe, rowers, rowing

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