Regular exercise is essential for good health and it can be very useful in creating a natural endorphin Buzz. But overdoing it, and this is good news in a way, can be counter-productive. Exercised muscles need time to rebuild. And as we age, our bodies just need more time to recover from strenuous exercise.
I tested this Boomeritis ailment with classic New Years resolution vigor and daily exercise to the point where it hurt to move. My body was trying to tell me something but I was bent on losing those Covid 19 pounds. Even though I was mixing up the kinds of exercise I was doing, my body rebelled. Burning pain.
Lesson learned. Exercise, yes, but please be careful out there.
– Jet Cannon
I too have been doing the exercise thing with some amounts of pain. Have not missed a workout since New Years Day (we will say I was taking a rest that day). I have successfully lost some weight and the martinis at the end of the week are so much better! Good advice regarding rest at our age.