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Boomer Bikers

Not the Hell’s Angels kind.  There are Buzzed Boomers out there still riding the Harleys.  But we’re talking bicycles.  When the knees start to go and running, softball and high-impact sports become more painful than fun, a number of Baby Boomers have turned to bicycles as a low-impact way to stay in shape. Benefits include strengthening muscle groups used in maintaining balance and strength (ie, quadriceps), enjoyment, autonomy, and improved cardiovascular function.  It will help you lose weight, stay strong, avoid chronic illness, stay mentally alert and live longer. There are some safety concerns regarding cycling for seniors, but they shouldn’t dissuade you.  

Neighbor Art joined some other seniors for regular joint rides.  Long John prefers solo rides and has knocked out 600 plus rides since the beginning of 2020.

There are lots more bike paths out there than when we were kids.  Check it out.

– Jet Cannon

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