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Baby Boomer fitness buzz

Here’s the good news about exercising.  Vigorous exercise can release euphoric endorphins.  “Runner’s high”.  All natural!  So that’s great news if you’re physically able to safely get the heart rate going.  (Consult your doctor blah blah blah and before getting out of bed in the morning.)  

But that’s not all the good news about exercising!  Staying in shape as we age allows up to enjoy responsible amounts of alcohol, caffeine, and weed… which you may not even want so much if you’re able to work in two or three hours of exercise a week.  

Walking is good.  So is swimming, cycling and rowing.  Or online aerobic workouts.  All good.  A little bit, like 15 minutes, a couple times a day adds up and also helps keep the weight down.  And summertime opens up more of those exercise options.

Healthline.com offers lots of good information about health and fitness including tips for us older, but better, Baby Boomers.  See you at the next Olympic Trials!

– Jet Cannon

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