Sleep. The Magic Elixir
Buzzed Boomer is all about feeling good. And catching a Buzz is a lot more fun if you’re already feeling great. A good night’s sleep is key to good mental and physical health. But getting a good night’s sleep isn’t always easy. Lots of people want to help you. It’s a Boomer business. Pillows, mattresses, white noise-makers, melatonin and other supplements, prescription drugs, herbs, chamomile tea, etc.
Here’s something a little different we tried and liked. Ceiling fan. Not because it is too hot in the room. It just gently provides fresh air and a cool pillow. The gentle breeze really seems to help. Add that to drinking less alcohol (quality not quantity), exercising during the day, and skipping the nap may improve your slumber. Try the fan idea with a small floor or counter fan if you already have one. The smaller ceiling fans are not expensive and can be installed where you might currently have an overhead light. If you’ve tried everything else and you’re still having trouble sleeping, give it a go.
– Jet Cannon
Festivus – December 23rd
A Festivus for the rest of us! Get out your meatloaf, aluminum pole, and be prepared to air your grievances. Or make your own traditions. That’s the beauty of Festivus.
While no alcohol was served in “The Strike” episode of Seinfeld, Georges boss drinks from a flask at the Festivus dinner. I’m saying that’s Scotch. Hennigan’s. From the Red Dot episode. “No smell, no tell, Scotch.” Cheers.
- Jet Cannon
Eggnog Update
In an earlier post, I bragged about my plan to make eggnog from scratch, or more precisely, from eggs. A bit later and before I gathered the eggs, I noticed some Trader Joe’s Eggnog Liqueur in the fridge. Wife must have bought it. Okay.
Last Saturday, our son called in a pre-Christmas Zoom call. They were opening some of our presents early…. Long story. I grabbed some glasses and the Trader Joe’s to get into the early Christmas spirit. I poured some of the creamy liquid over ice and held the bottle up the the screen. Buzzed Boomer! Day drinking! My son remarked that he’d bought the eggnog liqueur last year and never drank it. Well it tasted fine to me. Eggs are safe for this year.
– Jet Cannon