On March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower, a wrought iron technological masterpiece was inaugurated in Paris, says Britannia. To celebrate, visit the Champagne Bar at the top and enjoy some bubbly in an illuminated glass! Or look for Paris Seduction Vodka in a bottle shaped like the Eiffel Tower. This powerful and aroma-rich vodka is great with cocktails.
According to the folks in Lynchburg, Jack-and-Coke is the number on branded bar call in the universe… and beyond. Well, now it comes in a can! Hey, who has more fun that we do?!
Finally! Thankfully! Pickleball now has an official recovery drink. DINK.
Per reporting in Vine Pair, DINK is a “first-of-its-kind” sports drink created with electrolytes and minerals to specifically support pickleball players, according to a March 29 press release. The new brand will be available at pickleball courts nationwide, as it recently launched a three-year partnership with the official USA Pickleball.
Since DINK does not contain alcohol, your Buzz will need to come from your stellar play.
Spring is here and it’s time for a refreshing cocktail that’s lower on the calorie count scale. Prepping the beach bod. So pour us a Ranch Water! An exciting blend of tequila, mineral water, and lime juice. Did we mention it’s lower in calories than most cocktails. That’s exciting even if the drink isn’t. Hence the name Ranch Water.
A great philosopher once said, “Everything you know is wrong.” Or maybe it was Firesign Theater. Regardless, once again what we what thought was true may not be. Like eggs and butter being scary bad. So now a study by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons finds that running may not increase arthritis risk. Other factors may have a larger impact like family history and BMI. Read about it here in Mind Body Green.
It’s not too early to start prepping for dazzling friends and family with the perfect St. Patrick’s Day beverage. Insanely Good Recipes has got us covered. Green beer and 22 more. We’re going with the Shamrock Sour. Essentially it’s Irish Whiskey and lemon and lime juice with a little simple syrup. Oh, and green food coloring. For all the recipes click here.
In a perfect world, we would lose weight while gaining lean muscle mass. But says Livestrong.com it’s best not to focus on weight. Rather, focus on body composition.
“It is possible to lose weight while strength training in a calorie deficit and even increase your lean muscle mass. However, aiming for fat loss, rather than total weight, is a better indicator of your progress and overall health. Improving your body composition with consistent, progressive strength training and protein-focused eating habits can help you feel better in and out of the gym.”
Oklahoma’s legislature voted against legalizing recreational marijuana. Not to worry. Ten percent of the population already has a medical marijuana card which is legal. Oklahoma City alone has over 400 medical marijuana dispensaries. Oklahoma has over 7,000 pot growers which is about quadruple the number of growers in California where recreational pot is legal.
So if anyone needs weed in Oklahoma, just ask a Baby Boomer with a “bum knee” or “sore shoulder.”
Eager to join yet another weight loss fad, we checked the InterWeb for help with intermittent fasting. One article compared nine different fasting plans. NINE. Some 30,000 studies later… whether fasting works or which method is best… all depends. Thanks.
There does seem to be some evidence that, besides possibly prompting weight loss, intermittent fasting may reduce risks for diabetes, Alzheimers, cancer, and heart disease. Of course the benefits come with warnings for individuals with other health issues. So nothing is certain or easy. Anyone who says weight management is fun or easy is selling something. Here’s a pretty good article from U.S. News. Good luck!