Jet Cannon

Army/Navy/Gin To Win!

We like football, gin, traditions, tiki bars, and clever blog names.  Let’s blend them right here, right now. There’s nothing traditional about college football anymore except maybe for some long-time rivalries like the Army/Navy game.  Meanwhile, we didn’t know there is a gin cocktail called the Army/Navy but, of course, there is.  So we tried making one to get in shape for the annual game which won’t happen until December… but we want to be prepared.  Our search of the InterWeb turned up several recipes but we thought we should give the Moody Mixologist a try.  Click here for their site and recipe but we’re talking 2 ounces of gin, ¾ ounce lemon juice, ½ ounce of orgeat (almond syrup), and one dash of Angostura bitters. It provides a hint of that tiki bar cocktail flavor and it looks good, too.  Rah-Rah!

– Jet Cannon


We recently had the opportunity to chat with with Phil Shain, co-founder of Three Feathers Company, makers of CBD products.  Their mission is to create the finest and most effective CBD products in the world.  CBD doesn’t get one high. Many people use it for pain relief. Phil knows something about pain having suffered a severe work accident that left him hospitalized for many months with a shattered neck, spine and wrists.  That was 28 years ago.  He has since dedicated himself to helping others take advantage of the benefits that CBD can provide.  The CBD that Phil uses keeps his daily seizures and muscle spasms in check.  Check out their website here to learn more about CBD, the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and Three Feathers’ tinctures, capsules, and balms.  All of their CBD is made from pure American grown hemp and contains no THC. Only the highest quality organic and all natural ingredients are used. Their products are completely pure and contain no additives, fillers or GMOs.

– Jet Cannon

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7 Wellness Mistakes We Have Never Made featured a helpful article on wellness mistakes and what to do instead.  Since we have never made those mistakes, we didn’t read further.  Here they are:

– Too much lemon water

– Undiluted apple cider vinegar shots

– Overdoing it on the veggies

– Drinking too much water 

– Avoiding egg yolks (choosing only egg whites)

– Skipping meals for weight loss

– Overtraining

It’s nice to be right on the money for once!

– Jet Cannon

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Past Our Bedtime

We’re reasonably certain that the drunk Americans who spent the night on the Eiffel Tower last week were not Buzzed Boomers. The men bought tickets at 10:40 PM at which time Boomers are almost always in bed.

  • Jet Cannon

When You’re Blue

Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft recently crashed into the moon.  The craft probably looks like it’s been through a blender.  So how appropriate to commemorate the accident with a vodka blender drink!  Sunset Magazine shares how to make a Blue Moon Cocktail.


1 cup crushed ice

1/4 cup vodka

1/4 cup blue curaçao

1/4 cup whipping cream

2 tablespoons vanilla-flavored syrup (such as Torani)

2 tablespoons fresh orange juice

1 tablespoon Cointreau or other orange-flavored liqueur

How to Make It

In a blender, combine all ingredients and whirl until smooth. Pour into four martini glasses (4 oz.) and garnish the rim of each glass with a slice of orange.

Enjoy and shoot for a soft landing.

– Jet Cannon

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Liquid Marijuana Shot

It’s a complex drink with zero marijuana in it.  One of a dozen cocktails with crazy names, (e.g. Monkey Gland) compiled by VinePair, the Shot recipe includes spiced rum, coconut rum, blue curaçao, Midori melon liqueur, pineapple juice, lemon juice, and simple syrup.  Supposedly, Jimi Hendrix drank them.  For more titilatingly-named cocktails read the VinePair article here.  Can you say Slippery Nipple?

– Jet Cannon

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Time for Walking

We love reporting on the benefits of daily walking especially when the number of steps needed appears to drop.  That said, the latest studies pretty much agree that more is better up to about 20,000 steps.  But as few as 2,500 can lead to longer lives.  Here’s the latest details in Time magazine.  It’s interesting and hopefully inspires to keep getting out there.

– Jet Cannon

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Cocktails With Mickey

Disneyland is expanding the number of restaurants where alcohol is served. What’s also interesting is the number of blogs that will help you locate those beverages! So we won’t here. It’s seems most of Disneyland’s restaurants offer something alcoholic so your odds are good of finding a drink without any help. Walt wouldn’t be happy but a lot of Buzzed Boomers who visit will be happier.

  • Jet Cannon
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Water Chaser

Staying hydrated is important to good health particularly as we age. Besides shooting for a couple liters of water a day, try following your cup of coffee and alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. Both are diuretics and contribute to dehydration. A water chaser will delight your innards.

  • Jet Cannon
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If The Shoe Fits

We’ve yammered on and on about the benefits of daily walking but what if you have a case of planar fasciitis? It can feel like you stepped on a nail. Or worse. Can the right shoes help? Maybe. checked with podiatrists and came up with 30 different shoes they recommend. Learn all about it here.

  • Jet Cannon

It’s The Bomb

Have you seen Oppenheimer? How about Barbie? Doesn’t matter. The Washington Post reports that the recipe for the Oppenheimer martini seen in the movie can be found on the Los Alamos National Laboratory website. So we had to try one. Or two. “Four ounces of gin and a dash of vermouth, then dip the rim of the chilled glass in honey and lemon juice.” Powerful. Bursting with flavor.

  • Jet Cannon
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