September 18th is National Cheeseburger Day. On this national “holiday” please select only American cheese. No Swiss, no Irish cheddar, no French blue… Just American. Thank you.
“Despite the broadly positive findings, authors acknowledged that at least some of the reported improvements could be the result of a placebo effect.” Ahhhh, who cares? If it works, it works!
Seniors, consult your doctor before doing…. well….just about anything.
We store our coffee completely wrong but we’re not likely to change. The brew still tastes pretty darn good. Anyway, we read this bit in Real Simple. Good advice on coffee storage but how about Scott’s job?? “The best way to keep ground coffee or whole beans fresh is to store the coffee on a pantry shelf in an opaque, airtight container. It should be away from light, heat, and moisture, says Scott McMartin, who has tasted more than half a million cups of coffee as a member of the Starbucks Green Coffee Quality group.” Getting paid to drink coffee. What are the hours?
Today, Sunday September 10th, is Grandparents Day. So why not celebrate with a Drunken Grandma!! Cocktail. Just add a bit of Grand Mariner to iced tea!
Costco Connection magazine suggested we try some aged rum. Typically aged for three to 12 years in oak barrels, rum becomes softer as it ages. It’s suggested that aged rum can replace bourbon and whiskey in many standard cocktails. Why would one do that? Because a 20 year old rum can be had for around $80 while a similarly-aged bourbon or scotch will run into the hundreds or even thousands. Not sure? Bars like Rumba in Seattle feature over 200 variations of rum. Try before you buy.
Warren Buffett? No. Jimmy. Rest In Peace, you “lazy” beach bum. While music critics were often unenthusiastic, Jimmy Buffett sold over 20 million albums, wrote three #1 best sellers, acted in Hawaii 5-0, led 40 concert tours and built a merchandise/hotel/restaurant empire. Guest members of the Coral Reefer Band included Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson, Sheryl Crow, and Roy Orbison. His activities amazed an estimated net worth of $1 billion. His secret? Buffet told the Arizona Republic, “You’ve got to get away from the whatever you do to make a living or other parts of your life that stress you out. I try to make it at least 50/50 fun to work, and so far it’s worked out.” One of the kindest and most generous people, Jimmy Buffett, perhaps the ultimate Buzzed Boomer, brought people together and made millions of people happy. You earned 100% fun in Margaritaville.
Neuroscience News reports that engaging with music or consuming coffee is linked to peak cognitive performance. AI-generated music, in particular, showed significant performance boosts, opening new avenues for exploration. That sounds scary to us so what about just listening to music about coffee while enjoying a cup??
We like football, gin, traditions, tiki bars, and clever blog names. Let’s blend them right here, right now. There’s nothing traditional about college football anymore except maybe for some long-time rivalries like the Army/Navy game. Meanwhile, we didn’t know there is a gin cocktail called the Army/Navy but, of course, there is. So we tried making one to get in shape for the annual game which won’t happen until December… but we want to be prepared. Our search of the InterWeb turned up several recipes but we thought we should give the Moody Mixologist a try. Click here for their site and recipe but we’re talking 2 ounces of gin, ¾ ounce lemon juice, ½ ounce of orgeat (almond syrup), and one dash of Angostura bitters. It provides a hint of that tiki bar cocktail flavor and it looks good, too. Rah-Rah!
We recently had the opportunity to chat with with Phil Shain, co-founder of Three Feathers Company, makers of CBD products. Their mission is to create the finest and most effective CBD products in the world. CBD doesn’t get one high. Many people use it for pain relief. Phil knows something about pain having suffered a severe work accident that left him hospitalized for many months with a shattered neck, spine and wrists. That was 28 years ago. He has since dedicated himself to helping others take advantage of the benefits that CBD can provide. The CBD that Phil uses keeps his daily seizures and muscle spasms in check. Check out their website hereto learn more about CBD, the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and Three Feathers’ tinctures, capsules, and balms. All of their CBD is made from pure American grown hemp and contains no THC. Only the highest quality organic and all natural ingredients are used. Their products are completely pure and contain no additives, fillers or GMOs. featured a helpful article on wellness mistakes and what to do instead. Since we have never made those mistakes, we didn’t read further. Here they are:
We’re reasonably certain that the drunk Americans who spent the night on the Eiffel Tower last week were not Buzzed Boomers. The men bought tickets at 10:40 PM at which time Boomers are almost always in bed.