Good Hurricanes

Not the bad ones.  Good luck, Florida.  You may need to swill a good Hurricane on higher ground to calm the nerves.  

Located in the heart of the New Orleans French Quarter, Pat O’Brien’s is a prime destination for tourists who may not know its past as a popular speakeasy. That’s according to New Orleans Historical.  Pat O’Brien’s signature drink, the Hurricane, was invented in the 1940’s during World War II when manufacturing replaced distilleries, making whiskey scarce. To obtain a single case of whiskey, bar owners would have to order 50 cases of rum. The abundance of rum inspired employees at Pat O’s to create a new cocktail, and the Hurricane, a rum-based drink, was born.

Although the Pat O’Brien’s recipe remains a secret, here’s a close match:

A traditional hurricane includes:
-2 oz. light rum
-2 oz. dark rum
-2 oz. passion fruit juice
-1 oz. orange juice
-1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
-1 tbsp. simple syrup
-1 tbsp. grenadine
– an orange slice and cherry to garnish.

Made from scratch, your Hurricane will likely surpass most of the touristy pre-mix versions in the French Quarter.  

Enjoy and be safe out there.

– Jet Cannon

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