First Rock n’ Rollers Rock

We’ve never minded being labelled Baby Boomers but C. Graham Campbell has a different opinion.  

“I loathe being considered a member of the “Baby Boomer” generation. It is a stupid, vapid, obnoxious label. The epithet should have been laid to rest decades ago. In addition, it has become a term of derision for the millennials and their cohorts. What we actually are is the first rock n’ rollers, or FRRs.”

“Baby Boomers describes our parents, not us. We were the boomed, they were the boomers.

Read Graham’s entire article here in 3rd Act Magazine as he celebrates us First Rock n’ Rollers.

“Gen-whatevers are mostly fine people and can enjoy their music as they please. But ROCK IS OURS.”

– Jet Cannon


Photo: 3rd Act