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The Official Drink of Palm Springs, California

Depends on who you ask.  We were hoping it would be a Rat Pack Martini, a Marilyn Margarita, or a Dean Martin Old Fashioned.  Something like that.  The InterWeb suggests it’s a date shake.  They are pretty good. 

The Reef Bar & Grill says it’s a Palm Springs Punch.  We asked our bartender if that is the Palm Springs Official Cocktail, as stated on their drink menu, or did they just make that up.  “We just made that up.”  Whatever.  Their primary ingredients are Blackheart Spiced Rum, Triple Sec, Creme De Moyaux (???), and pineapple juice.  We’ve seen other recipes use bourbon and ginger ale so it seems you can make it anyway you want.  We wish we could ask Frank.

– Jet Cannon

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