One of the Beer Boys, whom we will refer to here as “Bill”, because that’s his name, has been testing THC/CBD gummies to get a better night’s sleep. [WARNING: Consult your doctor, pharmacist, dispensary worker, social worker, psychiatrist, and bartender before ingesting any THC/CBD product. Every individual reacts differently. Edible THC/CBD can have a delayed reaction. Stay safe and ingest only fruits and vegetables.]
“Bill” has not gone the pure CBD route and he enjoys the mild THC Buzz before hitting the pillow. He says it works for him and he sleeps better.
I’ve tried 10 MG CBD gummies before bed and I can only report inconclusive sleep results. I will try to pay more attention and take some notes in the future. How’s that for useless information?
If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep and these products are legal in your state, it’s worth investigating to see what might help you. Take the warning seriously. Best to consult with your doctor first.
– Jet (I’m not a doctor) Cannon