June 2024

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Pumping Iron

This out of Scripps News, “A new study out of Denmark shows that strength training at an older age can provide years of benefit. According to the study published in BMJ on Tuesday, 12 months of heavy resistance training can provide benefits years later. The study included adults 64–75 years of age.”

Give me three more good ones!!

– Jet Cannon

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Canned Energy

We could use one right now.  An energy drink. Then we read the warning label.  Not really.  But we did do a few InterWeb searches and were reminded that loads of caffeine and sugar might not be in our best health interest.  What about zero sugar energy drinks?  Only half as bad!  With up to 300 mg of caffeine in energy drinks, compared to the 100mg in a cup of coffee, our senior citizen heart and blood pressure might not take kindly to the jolt, especially if tested on a regular basis..  Meanwhile, the UK is contemplating banning energy drinks for kids under the age of 16.  What do they need more energy for anyway?  Boomers deserve a Buzz!  In moderation, as always.  Sigh.  

– Jet Cannon

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Decaf or Regular?

What happens if you drink the same kind of coffee too much? You get deja-brew.

Sorry about that. But we just read an article on the pros and cons of decaf versus regular. Boiling it down, both still seem to be beneficial to your health. So that’s good. Drink the one that works best for you. We’ll keep drinking regular. In moderation. Like everything else in life. Moderation.

  • Jet Cannon

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Ship-Faced Aquaholic

A tiki bar in lovely suburban community Orinda, CA?!  Thankfully, yes.  Boo Loo Lounge?  We think that’s where we were.  It’s pretty much unmarked.  Like a speakeasy.  But what an oasis!!  We were immediately transported to the tropics in the cozy, dark tiki hut.  Mai-Tai in hand, we conversed with the friendly locals and took in the first-cabin tiki decor.  When life gives you lemons, have a tiki drink.

– Jet Cannon

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