June 2022

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Your Brain is Gullible. tell it exercise is a pleasure

Dave Robson wrote in The Guardian recently that it’s possible to reframe exercise pain into exercise gain.  (Did we really just write that?  Sorry)

But in our defence, the article is titled, The mind gym: five ways to make exercise a pleasure.  

Here are the five ideas quoted or summarized.

Select music that moves and distracts you.

Avoid pictures of perfect bodies for inspiration. In one study, “The sight of the fitness gurus had left them feeling less attractive and more concerned about their weight and shape, which put a downer on the whole experience.”

One study found that “reframing muscle aches as a positive signal can ramp up the production of the brain’s endogenous cannabinoids and opioids, natural analgesics that could mask the strain.

“The use of mental imagery can improve the accuracy of our movements, and even our overall strength. Studies show that people who spend a few minutes each day visualising the lifting of heavy weights see bigger strength gains than those who did not practise an imaginary workout.” 

Have trouble getting to the gym?  “Try temptation-bundling, which involves packaging the things you don’t want to do with one of your guilty pleasures. The technique was developed by Prof Katy Milkman at the University of Pennsylvania, who gave people iPods loaded with four addictive audiobooks to enjoy while they worked out. The simple strategy increased their gym attendance by 29% over the following seven weeks.”

Let the trickery begin!

– Jet Cannon

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If We only ate when we were hungry

Eat This, Not That sums it up nicely.  Don’t eat because you’re bored, sad, tired, or just a great cook.  Eat when you’re hungry, only, and keep moving as much as you can when you’re not.  Chances are you will lose those excess pounds.

The ETNT website is loaded with more ideas for staying healthy.

– Jet Cannon

Tea on the rocks, rocks!

AARP Magazine reminded us recently about the benefits of tea and, with summer here, let’s drink it on ice.  Besides the caffeine Buzz, tea has antioxidants that protect against those nasty free radicals that can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.  There are a number of tea varieties and each has their own characteristics.  Green, black, white, oolong, chamomile and hibiscus are among the most popular.  We picked up some matcha which is green tea in powder form.  It has triple the antioxidants of  regular green tea and about the double the caffeine.  Besides making ice tea or lattes the powder can be used in smoothies as well.

– Jet Cannon

Photo:  Healthline.com

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How Old is old man wrong?

After a well-earned sabbatical, Buzzed Boomer Chief California Correspondent Old Man Wrong updates us on his fitness journey. Here is his report.

Coming to ‘fitness’ relatively late in life, I figured I had several advantages. Smoking heavily (very) early on had made my lungs ripe for saving. Decades of running, barely upright, and rarely running full-bore, saved the cartilage and so on.  I’m only slightly used.  I was set for a wonderful September Surprise.

But live and, wait around long enough, the world will catch up. For me, it was the Fitness Watch. Later in life, I‘d run and run (and RUN) and also swum.  And swum some more.  And walked and walked.  And climbed. Toughed out numerous events (~$85/pop, dang it). And finally along comes the semi-affordable Measuring Device, to track you and revel with you in your triumphs and pick you up in your failures. All packaged as a Dick Tracey 2-Way Wrist TV.

How far? Where? How fast (slow)?  How many steps? What cadence? VO2 max? 

But now also the dreaded section of your the many-screened Suunto V fitness watch:  Fitness Level. 

Like I said, age 0-30 was not the healthiest time in my life. But I soldiered on, and holy sugar, here I am, 60. And trying.  Pretty hard!

Here’s what it is: My latest Fitness Watch measures the usual things. Where, when, how far, how fast, etc. But also how much heart rate. And how hard trying.  Then sums up fitness level and fitness age.

And the verdict?

Not at all good. Fitness level “Very Poor”. Fitness age: [can’t print]. The company is Suunto which must be Scandinavian, which must mean we’re going on their scale of what’s fit in super-healthy Nordic land. 

But I am not 79!


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Anytime is Exercise Time

Today.com has a nifty article about morning being the best time to exercise.  But evening has some benefits, too.  So, really getting in a workout anytime is what matters.  Excerpts:

“Women who exercised between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. had greater reductions in their belly fat and blood pressure, and they achieved stronger leg muscles, compared to those who worked out in the early evening, researchers reported last month in Frontiers in Physiology.”

““When you exercise first thing in the morning, it gives your metabolic rate a boost… it allows you to burn more calories even when you are sitting at your desk doing nothing,” fitness coach Laurent Amzallag told TODAY.”

“Working out also releases endorphins, which help you feel great throughout the day, she added.”

What about the folks who aren’t crazy about cranking it up first thing in the morning?

“Evening exercise — between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. — “greatly” increased upper body muscle strength, power and endurance, and enhanced overall mood for women, according to the study published in Frontiers in Physiology. For men, the p.m. workouts lowered systolic blood pressure and fatigue, and stimulated fat oxidation compared to early morning exercise.”

So you see it’s all good.  Morning or evening.  Or both for the uber-achievers out there.

– Jet Cannon

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Born to walk

Our early human ancestor, Australopithecus afarensis, was walking upright around six million years ago.  Give or take.  So reports the University of Washington magazine.  Today, some 145 million Americans walk as part of their fitness regimen.  Besides weight loss, heart health, improving balance, preserving muscle strength, and lowering blood sugar, walking appears to also boost creativity.  Hitting 7,000 steps daily reduced the chances of early death by 50%-70%, according to one study.  In short, it’s all good.  Just don’t bump into one of the 144,999,999 people out there.

– Jet Cannon

Photo:  Britannica.com

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Comfort Beer

The Associated Press reports, “A small brewery in Finland has launched a NATO-themed beer to mark the Nordic country’s bid to join the Western military alliance.”  OTAN is the French abbreviation for NATO.  The CEO described the new lager as having “a taste of security, with a hint of freedom.”  We assume one will also catch a nice, mellow Buzz.

– Jet Cannon

Did you just call me a donkey?

When in an Irish pub, we like to start with a Dublin Donkey cocktail.  Why?  Well, it’s just fun to say it!

“Ireland is seen internationally as the home of the donkey; donkey or ass – both terms are correct, the origin of ‘ass’ being the Latin name Equus Asinus.”  This is per the Donkey Society.   And they would know.

Anyhow, a Dublin Donkey is like a Mule except Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey or Tullamore DEW Irish Whiskey is the spirit typically used.  Plus some ginger beer and lime juice.


– Jet Cannon

Down the Hatch

Our doctor say we’re not getting enough Nuke Waste so we headed back to the Horse & Cow Pub for refueling with Captain Tony and Maserati Mike.  Located in Bremerton, Washington, which is a scenic ferry ride from Seattle, the bar is named for the World War I merchant marine sailors who tattooed a cow on one ankle and a horse on the other ankle to ward off German U-Boats.  Whatever works!  Meanwhile, the pub has an excellent collection of submarine photos and artifacts.

Anyway, Jimmy, the owner, started creating Nuke Waste in a 5-gallon bucket out back a few decades ago until he finally graduated to having his bright green alcohol creation bottled professionally.  It’s now distributed regionally including at the nearby Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.

So, down the hatch!! We’re confident that a shot or two will ward off any lurking German U-Boats.

– Jet Cannon 

italian Gin

We recently had the opportunity to try Malfy Con Arancia Gin in a cocktail. Malfy is considered by many to be the leader in fruit-forward gin. The Con Arancia is blood orange flavored. They also produce a gin made from pink grapefruit, sourced from Sicily, and Italian rhubarb. Their Con Limone…. well you can figure that one out. There is also an Originale. We’ve only tried the one but reviews are quite positive noting that the flavors are distinct without being too sweet.


  • Jet Cannon
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Guinness Vacation

While browsing the InterWeb, we found Linda On The Run is a wealth of travel information including five top recommendations for Baby Boomers. Read her entire post here.

#1 is Ireland where she suggests hitting an Irish pub or two for a pint or two of Guinness. That’s really as far as we read. We’re packing our bags. Haven’t done Ireland and we recon it should be on the good old bucket list. Plus we suspect there is more to do there than just drink Guinness. However, we will pass on kissing the Blarney Stone.

The rest of the list included Alaska, Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, and Machu Picchu in the Andes, Peru. Sounds good but probably hard to find a Guinness in any of those places.

  • Jet Cannon
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Pools Aren’t Just for Cocktails

SeniorHelpers.ca offers some compelling reasons for Buzzed Boomers to consider adding swimming to their exercise routine.

“We all know there are plenty of advantages to exercising, but it can sometimes be difficult for older adults who have arthritis or other painful illnesses to exercise. An exercise that is especially beneficial to seniors is swimming. It is an ideal workout because it presents little risk of injury and is low impact. Here are just a few of the health benefits swimming offers to older adults:

  • Improves heart health. Swimming makes your heart stronger, improves your cardiovascular health and endurance and lowers blood pressure.
  • Gentle on the joints. Swimming is not weight-bearing, so it’s easy on the joints for those who suffer from joint pain and discomfort.
  • Swimming develops strong and stable core muscles, which are necessary for good balance control — a major protective factor against falls.
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Swimming can improve bone mineral density (BMD), which will help fight osteoporosis. This is very important especially for women.
  • Increases flexibility in your hips, legs, arm and neck. It can also help improve your posture and alleviate back pain.
  • Boosts mental health. It helps to reduce stress levels, boost mood, and increase brain function. Plus, because it can be a social activity, you’ll avoid the feelings of social isolation and loneliness that can lead to depression in seniors.

You should always talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.”

Now where did we put that Speedo?

  • Jet Cannon
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Sing it to me Baby!

A number of well-known and lesser-known Baby Boomer musicians are celebrating birthdays today.  

  • 1947 Ronnie Wood, English rock guitarist (Faces; Jeff Beck Group; The Rolling Stones), born in Hillingdon, England
  • 1949 Mike Levine, Canadian rock keyboardist, bassist (Triumph), born in Toronto, Ontario
  • 1958 Michael Landau, American session musician, engineer, and record producer, born in Los Angeles, California
  • 1959 Alan Wilder, British rock vocalist and musician (Depeche Mode, 1982-85 – “People Are People”; Recoil), born in Hammersmith, London
  • 1960 Simon Gallup, British rock bassist (The Cure – “Friday I’m In Love”), born in Duxhurst, Surrey, England
  • 1962 Jesse Johnson, rocker (Time)
  • 1963 Mike Joyce, rock drummer (Smiths-Ask, Panic, London)
  • 1963 Shawn Pelton is an American session and touring drummer and percussionist (SNL band; Sheryl Crow; Shawn Colvin: Darryl Hall, Rod Stewart; Roseann Cash), born in Kansas City, Missouri

We’re wondering if musicians suffer more than the rest of us when people sing Happy Birthday to them.

Thank you onthisday.com

– Jet Cannon

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